

Another U.S. Senator has been injured, but not seriously. According to a Raw Story report, "Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN) returned to Capitol Hill this week with a prominent gash on his forehead after he was knocked nearly unconscious back home in St. Paul while - of all things - dumpster diving." They cite a Washington Post column by Mary Ann Akers as the source, but note that few other media sources picked up the story from last Friday's news. According to the story, Coleman said he was "looking for something that my wife accidentally threw in the dumpster," after Akers asked about a rather large cut on his forehead. Akers is cited as adding, "He was vague about what exactly whacked him in the head. (His office explained later that it was 'a piece of wood.') But whatever it was, the impact was so hard that he 'saw stars.'" As for Coleman, he reportedly affirmed that, "I did get the lamp," while pumping his fists "in an affirmation of his manliness."

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