
OTBL'er Joins BBA - Brief Bloggers Anonymous!

Breaking News .....

A lone Borderwhiner has broken with the basement boxer short bloggers at OTBL and joined the BBA.

Brief Bloggers Anonymous (BBA) provides a safe harbor for those bloggers who choose to anonymously blog in their whitey-tighties instead of the standard blogger boxer shorts.

The BBA twelve-step program provides guidance on everything from proper cahones-cooling to Sears catalogue modeling.

(Note: BBA members must supply their own duct tape.)

A Darkside Quote From The OnTheBorderLine Blog

Yo conspiracy buffs!

Below is some quote work currently appearing at the ontheborderline.nut blog site concerning the recent open forum conducted by the New Richmond school board:

A couple of interesting bits of gossip concerning the choice of this quote:

1. Evidently a number of OTBL'ers have had enough contact with therapists to be able to tell if these sessions are valuable or worthless. Judging from the results seen over there, they have been worthless...Did someone say "anger management classes?"...Did someone get their tea party interrupted with a late night call recently?

2. A little borderline bird, i.e., stool pigeon, told me that a couple of New Richmond guys with the initials JH and SE might have a very good idea as to the identity of the evil Jack Bauer...Wink! Wink! Know what I mean?

Stay tune for the July surprise...

A Letter To Bill Danielson At www.OnTheBorderLine.net

I recently received e-mail requested to published the letter below. It was in response to a recent OTBL post by Bill Danielson.
June 14, 2006

Dear Mr. William Danielson
PO Box 1744
Bloomington, IL 61702-1744

I noticed your comments on another Blog. I have one suggestion for you: "you really, really, really need to get a life". I don't know if you participate in any community service functions (that help other people), go to church and actually listen, or read the Bible, but for your own betterment as a fellow member of the human race, I suggest that you try.

Richard Trende

Mr. Trende, recently retired police chief of the Hudson Police Department, wrote this letter in response to this OTBL post on the same day by OTBL poster Bill Danielson formerly of Hudson and now of Bloomington, IL.

If you have nothing better to do, click here to read the balance of testimony.

Carnac On Shoe Phonies

...OTBL loafer spotted talking to a shoe in Bloomington, Illinois.

Q: Has anybody seen Dr. Bill D.?

A Week After DeLay Resigns, Green Still Refuses to Get Rid of Dirty Money

MADISON – A week after indicted former Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay finally stepped down from Congress, Mark Green still refuses to get rid of more than $30,000 in tainted campaign cash he took from DeLay.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Michael Murphy said Green should finally do the right thing and clean his campaign of his dirty DeLay money. Green has refused to do so, however – even though he could donate the money today if he really wanted to. [Source: Wisconsin State Statutes 11.25(2)]

“For more than a year now, Mark Green has steadfastly stood by Tom DeLay, even as he was indicted on felony charges and resigned in disgrace from Congress,” Murphy said. “Wisconsin families deserve to know why Green refuses to cut his close ties to corrupt leaders both in Washington and Wisconsin.”

Green’s refusal to get rid of the DeLay money is just one example in a long line of ethical lapses. While he was in the state Assembly, Green was Chair of the Assembly Republican Caucus – and he has yet to answer questions about his involvement in the caucus scandal.

Why won’t Mark Green answer the following questions about his ethical lapses?

Why does Green refuse to do the right thing and get rid of his dirty DeLay money?

Why does Green continue to claim ignorance of the caucus scandal, when documents show he was deep in the thick of the illegal campaign work? As Caucus Chair of the Assembly Republicans, Green and his staff both benefited from and were involved in the illegal campaign work done by state employees. [Source: Wisconsin State Journal, 2/24/06]

Why did Green destroy all of his state electronic files and the files of an aide named in the caucus scandal when he left office in 1998? What was in the files Green destroyed? [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/12/006]

Why did it take Green four tries to get the right answer on whether he’d pardon convicted former Assembly Republican Speaker Scott Jensen?

Why was Green’s congressional office such a favorite of the convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff, and why did they try to cover it up? Email records show that Green’s congressional chief of staff and now campaign manager repeatedly requested and received skybox ticket freebies from Abramoff, who has admitted to bribing members of Congress in exchange for official acts. [Source: TalkingPointsMemo.Com, 10/10/2005]


Millions of Flags Survive Burning Threat- GOP Keeps Wedge Issue Alive

Dispite the insideous threat of the "flagburners",
America has survived one more Flag Day with "Old Glory" intact. Hundreds of thousands of brave American home owners who dared to fly the Stars and Stripes were on pins and needles, wondering "Will my flag be burned today?".
Many who purchased the recently introduced "Sam's Club Flag Protection Plan" had peace of mind that their investment in patriotism would be protected. But what about the rest of us?
Because of our diligence America's enemies were stiffled once more and our flags have survived.
But how long can America keep her flags safe without a constitutional amendment against this looming threat? We know that it's only by the Grace of God that our flags have survived. Our flags are still and risk and it's time to take action to protect them. Stand up for America, write your Congressmen and Senators and tell them "We need a constitutional amendment to stop flag burning NOW". There's only one party that has consistantly protected "Old Glory" from the flag burning hoards, and that's the GOP.
A recent ATBL poll discovered that 99.44% of Americans would never burn a flag. WEAU-TV EauClaire recently polled their viewers, asking "Are you for or against Flagburning"? The flagburners must have taken a holiday because not a single one would admit to their flagburning tendencies. But what about that remaining fraction,that silent minority of flagburners who continue to lurk in the shadows of America? Who will protect us from these fanatics? If you said the GOP you are absolutely right(wingnut) and have you've proved your patriotism beyond a shadow of doubt. So the next time you go to the polls, remember to vote Republican, because they are standing guard protecting our flag, ( and ignoring
every other real issue that affects the lives millions of Americans ).


More Thoughts On Public Education

Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither freedom nor justice can be permanently maintained.
James A. Garfield (1831-1881)
20th President of the United States

Let us by wise and constitutional measures promote intelligence among the people as the best means of preserving our liberties.
James Monroe(1758-1831)
5th US President

I have indeed two great measures at heart, without which no republic can maintain itself in strength:
1. That of general education, to enable every man to judge for himself what will secure or endanger his freedom.
2. To divide every county into hundreds, of such size that all the children of each will be within reach of a central school in it.

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
3rd President of the US
US Founding Father

(JPN note: Just so we at this blog site are not accussed of posting a pro-public education bias, here is a "Quote of the Day" we borrowed from your local St. Croix Valley anti-government, anti-community blog site www.ontheborderline.net.)

But no one—except a full-fledged communist or fascist—would advocate a government monopoly on education. Yet such a monopoly is what we are, in fact, approaching—and taxation is the main cause of the trend.

Ayn Rand
Sweatheart of the OTBL bloogers
author of "The Virute of Selfishness"

(JPN note: The last time I counted, in Hudson and New Richmond there are at least three private schools and there's been serious ink used in the local press about starting a Catholic high school in the Valley. Obviously, this would tell me there is no government monopoloy on education. Please let me know if I wrong on this.)


So That's Why They Call It "New" Richmond...

One this date in 1899, Wisconsin's most devastating twister ripped through a small farming community in Saint Croix County called Richmond.

117 people were killed and 150 others were injured when a tornado roared into Richmond, reducing the business district to rubble, destroying many Victorian neighborhoods and killing 400 animals. Most victims are buried in St. Croix County. Thirty gravesites cannot be accounted for. Four of the 117 people killed were never identified. The four are buried at Immaculate Conception Church Cemetery in New Richmond. When the town was rebuilt, the name "New" was added to it.

This still rates as one of the worst tornados in US history. Read more.

Dr. Wise's POS Congealer

Does your pup suffer from the squirts?

Does his poo slide through your pooper-scooper?

Is it beneath your dignity to stoop and scoop his stinky pile?

Are you a scofflaw who slinks away from your civic scooping duties - embarrassing people who are foolish enough to be seen with you in public?

Have no fear! The answer is here!

Try Dr. Wise's POS Congealer (TM) - with ground holiday nuts. It's guaranteed to firm Spot's scat into easy-to-grab turds.

Also try the new POS Congealer with Pinenuts - to give that doggie dung evergreen freshness!

Dr. Wise makes it a pleasure to follow city ordinances from now on.


Better schools key to economy

I ran across an interesting editorial commentary in the Denver Post by Tom Honig. Honig, Rocky Mountain regional president of Wells Fargo Bank and the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce president, outlined a number of important reasons why a city needs a strong, repsected public school system to attract businesses that provide good-paying, competitive jobs.

Within the business communities of Hudson and New Richmond, you can here echoes of the points raised by Honig. Compare the thoughts of a wealth-creating capitalist like Honig to the nickle-and-dime Tom Paine wannabes at ontheborderline.net. At OTBL is all about anti-public education, anti- union, anti-taxes and anti-community sludge. Honig included this excellent summation of why strong public schools are important:

A competitive public school system is directly tied to a region's ability to compete for jobs in today's global marketplace. Colorado's business leadership is deeply committed to the future of Denver Public Schools because of what the health of our public schools says about how we value education and because of the role schools play in providing a future workforce.

Employers considering relocation or expansion evaluate a community in two major categories. First, they look at the overall business environment including geographic location, available workforce, tax structure, political climate, the transportation system and other important factors. Second are considerations about quality of life, including housing affordability, cultural opportunities, recreational amenities, health care and, perhaps most important, the quality of the public schools.

Any company considering long-term investment in our region must be concerned about a continuous supply of highly skilled and educated workers. We compete with other regions on a variety of factors, many related to education...

The only point raise above that would be mention on OTBL would be the tax structure. To them, it's not about moving forward, it's about moving backwards and crippling whatever they can of the existing community infrastructure.

Honig's commentary can be found at the Denver Post.

Ancient Thoughts To Ponder...

"Education is the best provision for old age."
--Aristotle(384-322 BC)
Greek philosopher

"We must not believe the many, who say that only free people ought to be educated, but we should rather believe the philosophers who say that only the educated are free."
--Epictetus(ca 55-135 A.D.)

Greek philospher
Source: Discourses

"Suffering is but another name for the teaching of experience, which is the parent of instruction and the schoolmaster of life."
Roman poet