
Teacher Union Thugs Promote Cadillac Healthcare

Fake ad from the fake 4 - color glossy WEAC Newsletter:

Why can't teacher's have YUGO healthcare like
Borderline Nut Factory employees?


  1. I heard that Arnie Fett and Ron Bernth stole millions from the district. Can someone confirm this?

  2. No it was more like trillions. You forgot to multiple in the interest rate and the angle of the dangle.

  3. I work for Wal-Mart. When my Badger Care runs out, maybe I can get a job packing cashews at the Bordeline Nut factory. I'd be happy to have Yugo healthcare. I aint got nuff smarts to be a teacher and get the Cadillac.

  4. I heard some guy at the Borderline Nut Factory got his head stuck up his ass and the clinic refused to treat him cause the Yugo plan didn't cover mental illness!

  5. Dr. Phil:

    That is a lie. The left him with his head up his backside because it was such an improve. If fact, that let him keep his co-pay.

  6. Dr. Ruthless...
    Since you're a Mental Illness specialist, I'll have to take you word on that.

    So if what you're saying is correct, the next time a Borderline Nut Factory
    employee comes in with his head up his ass, I can treat him for mental illness and bill Yugo Care?

  7. Did the money get stolen before or after the Devin Willi threat letter was written. Maybe the "forensics expert" who they hired after seeing an ad on a matchbook can analyze this one too.

  8. Canrac,

    I think you have your TV tuned to the wrong blog channel. This is the Health channel thread. The Crime Channel thread is hosted by Town crybaby.

  9. No, there is a huge connection here with the OTBL philosophy of it being a crime for anybody to have health insurance other then themselves.

    Did you know the Borderline Nut Company has health benefits when they can find a doctor willing to take a case of cashews in return for an office call?
