
Don't Miss OTBL TV's Way After Dark Movie

What the reviewers are saying:
Michael Moore: "Mr. Peanut definitely has two thumbs up his good, I'm mean back, side..."

Al Gore: "The kind of methane produced by Mr. Peanut could easily make our country energy independent. However, the smell will make you want to move to China and get a good job."

Mayor Jack: "I always thought Mr. Peanut was crazy. Now you can see he's nuts!"
Lil Bill: "With friends like that, who needs enemas?"
Dick Cheney: "Mr. Peanut makes the Dark Ages look fun."
President Bush: "Of course I read the book. What do you take me for? An OTBL blogger!"

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to all the sequels..

    Mr. Peanut fights HSO.

    Mr. Peanut fights The School Board

    Mr. Peanut fights WEAC

    Mr. Peanut fights Teacher Spouses

    Mr. Peanut fights The Democrats

    Mr. Peanut fights Socialist Scum

    Mr. Peanut fights The Hudson Poleese

    Mr. Peanut fights The Second Grade

    Mr. Peanut fights The Crossing Guard

    He should easily pass up Rocky by next week.
