
Stop The Presses

N. Hudson Village Hall to Get Facelift.

The OTBL Election Report. By OTBL's Max Fill:

"In one of the most hotly debated and philsophically poignant elections of my lifetime the citizens of North Hudson have spoken, the townhall will get a

N Hudson Vlg Hall Remodel
Number of Precincts 1
Total Votes 1438
YES 767
NO 671

"I know there are some very frustrated and disenchanted people out there this morning. Just remember, it’s now up to the purveyors of bricks and mortar to lead the way into the future."

Max: Get a Life.


  1. This had to be one of the biggest political dramas in Wisconsin's elections yesterday. I head CNN wanted to set up in front of the NH village hall but were told they'd have to pay for any electricity they used. Close vote though, I'm sure there will be repercussions for years.

  2. Absolutely.
    This issue could easily define the course of human history in this new millennium. I've never encountered a more intellectually challenged opponent thab the naysayer on the negative side of this issue.
    It's a miracle that the yes vote won.

  3. Hey, We're just glad to get the work!

  4. I never realized that the bricklayers union had the same political clout that the teachers union had. This project will put at least six guys to work and provide revenue to the porta potty renter too.

  5. Canrac,
    Did you see the work that needs to be done on this face lift ( see post picture) It will take a minimum of 2 crews of 12, two weeks of 12 hour days with overtime just to do the prep work.
    Yous, teachers don't got all the clout.

  6. Is there an incentive clause with more being paid for a quick finish? They did this on the interstate bridge project?

  7. Good idea Canrac! If we do a quicky job, it's starts falling apart every year and we'll get the contract to fix it again yust like I-94. You're an I-94 grade genius.

  8. I’m sorry, but a margin of victory of 53% is not a mandate to build anything. I think the Village should disregard the vote, go back to the drawing board, sharpen their pencils and come back on December 12th with a Plan B Referendum. Plan B should include some innovative solutions, such as using the back room at Starr’s Bar for the Village Police Station.

  9. I voted no!
    I say any future growth in North Hudson is just "conjecture."
    If only the shifty schoolboard had not bulldozed the 4th st. grade school. We could have moved it to north hudson at no cost to the taxpayer and could have saved the old carpeting too! I inspected it personally.
    Oops, time to go run windsprints down Cedar st. with no shirt on to frighten my neighbors.
    By the way, I just can't take my eyes off my biceps..... What were we talking about?? Oh yeah, We can do better!..... and by "better", I must admit that I have no idea what exactly "better" is.

  10. "In one of the most hotly debated and philsophically poignant elections of my lifetime"????

    "I know there are some very frustrated and disenchanted people out there this morning. Just remember, it’s now up to the purveyors of bricks and mortar to lead the way into the future."????

    All I can say is "where is the outrage?"
    I noticed all the debris in the streets after the riot in North Hudson as a reaction to the hall remodel vote. I quess the whole world wasn't watching.
    I feel disenchanted by having to read such drivel.
    The only reason not to enlarge the hall would be to argue that North Hudson should become part of the city of Hudson. Did that option even come up??

  11. "I know there are some very frustrated and disenchanted people out there this morning."

    Well, you're just hangin' with the wrong crowd. The people I know are so happy they're dancing in the streets!

    OH HAPPY DAY!!!!

  12. The OTBL'ers are too timid to say this, but obviously the brick layers' union is controlled by the North Hudson mafia that can be identified by the big yellow trucks they drive and the smell of hot poppers on their breath.

    Even a pink headband wearing jogger who loves making late night phone calls to those who dare disagree with his myopic delusions dares not make this obvious connection. He doesn't want to spoil his chances at being name Pepper Fest Queen.

  13. Phi:

    Queen? Are you implying that the pink-headed North Hudson jogger is a closeted gay man?

  14. Haven't you ever watched Monty Python? I'm sure he's a lumberjack and he's ok...

  15. I hope someone is at least kind enough to let his wife know.
