
It's Not a Civil War -- It's a Faith Based Melee


  1. If you guys would only listen to Rush and Hannity, you would know that there is not a civil war in Iraq. It is secretary violence and I glad I'm packing my Viagra when the secretaries get violence. I keep them in my golf bag next to the...

  2. Cato:

    The trouble is that since they are all named Mohammad and wear turbines, you can't tell the sides apart.

  3. Are those gas turbines or jet turbines?

  4. I think the "winner" will be anarchy.

  5. Cato:

    You make a good point. "Anarchy" is always painted with a negative brush by both ends and the middle of the political spectrum. They always point to the blood in the streets, car bombs and devastation. It's like only looking at the manure and waste going into the compost heap and ignoring the potential for flowers.

    I can hear they song now: "All we are saying is give anarchy a chance."

    Did you ever read the novel Wild In This Streets by Robert Thom?

  6. Cato:

    So anarchy would be like rational, thinking adults living within the peaceful co-existence of their ideals and chaos would be when fear-induced, panic stricken kindergarterner get a hold of automatic weapons when they should instead be taking a nap and refuse to submit to a parentally enforced time out.

  7. Cato:

    Don't be so wordy in your responses.

  8. CATO:

    I think there's a distinction between
    Authoritarian and authority.

    Anytime there's been a major disaster in a populated city, there is chaos in the absence of authority.

    To welcome Anarchy is to welcome Chaos.

    There has to be a balance. We are not able to handle total liberty whether you want to admit that or not!

  9. CATO:

    Let's revisit 9/11. Did the 5800 some planes in the sky "voluntarily" curtail their flights?
    Why was V.P. Chaney scurried into a peviously unknown bunker command center the Secret Service, because we needed no authouritie on 9/11.
    Did some militia gather their Ak47s and get in their kayaks and head for Afghanistan?

    A much better situation to look at would be Katrina. In desperate situations deperate people do desperate things, without some authority to stop them chaos is inevitable.

    "A man with a gun standing in front of his door facing would be looters is an authority."
    So "Might makes right" what if all the gangsters joined forces with a hundred times the fire power to overwhem Mr. Gun toting citizen?
    Who has the authority of brute force then?

  10. FYI:

    Organized crime didn't really become profitable until Prohibition.

    Another interesting factoid I heard the other day was the the US market for legal drugs and illegal drugs is about the same in dollar terms.

  11. CATO:

    Here's a suggestion. Get some Yellow
    foamcore and print the following in it
    and stick it in your front yard.

    Legalize drugs.

    For the children.

  12. CATO:

    Now I know what the Vote NO people mean by "doing better". Sell drugs to the kids, legally ,so they can skip out of schools to buy more drugs and everybody wins.
    Kids get high. Legal drug dealers boost the local economy, and taxpayers don't have to build new school for drop outs. Brilliant!

    Why didn't I think of this solution?
    After legalizing drugs (no age limit of course)let's move on to legal prositution for kindergardeners!
    It'll give new meaning to Santa coming down the chimney with a HO,HO,HO.

  13. Because clearly government making things illegal stops them from happening and clearly without the government making something illegal everyone and I mean EVERYONE will just go NUTS doing WHATEVER is NOW LEGAL. When Lawrence v. Texas was decided, remember when no matter where you looked, men were having sex with each other? All over the country men were sodomizing other men.

  14. CATO:

    I'm glad you're keeping stats on that ball game cause I wouldn't want to have to.
