
Thoughts On "White Supremacy"


  1. Then he should be well qualified to make such statements about Bush. A little bit of the it-takes-one-to-know-one syndrome.

  2. CATO:

    So what is Bush a Rocket Scientist?
    He can't utter 2 sentances with out long pauses and a dozen uhh's.
    And he's the leader of the free world?

  3. Cato --

    What part of Charlie's bon mot yanked your chain? The white-supremacy myth part? Or the Boy George Bush part?

  4. Ye Haw, right on dere Cato!

    Ol' Gus W talks his adapted native lingo of Texas. He might slur his words but he can hook them horns.

    I GW could relax and talk Texan to ya all, you'd understand that he ain't bumblin' igit. He's a intelligent humine bean. In addition to "The Pet Goat" book, he has red at least three other. He said so when he went on his vacation.

    You giggin' socialist patsies over here are just lampooning the chartacture of this man. Just like you did to Jerry Ford about stumbling and Nixon about telling the truth. Bush is at least as smart as Ronald Reagan -- the best president we've ever had -- and Bush ain't even got alshinders disease.

    Get a like you pinko fruit lovers.

  5. CATO:

    I think you're right. As Bush would say:
    "I'm a consolidinator, not a dividitator"
