
What's In A Word?

"Megalomania" is not too harsh a word for what the small group of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz has done in starting the war in Iraq. It is not humility that ignores global warming, and erodes our Constitution.

Read more: Ithaca Journal.

1 comment:

  1. CATO:

    I agree, the article was not well written. Disregarding the point about Bush and his gang. I think this articles arguement against "Blue's clues: Take a walk on the red side" missed the point of that article and ignored some potentially valuable advise.
    What ever color (Red or Blue ) we identify with, we convieniently ignore the biases presented in news and media from "our" side.
    I think it it good to listen to the other opposite opinion with as open a mind as you can conjure. Then decide where you stand.
    With that in mind, I find both Reds and Blues ignorant what drives the others opinions.
    That said. I've also found that the supporters of Bush I've encountered have been vastly underinformed as to what he and his cronies have done to ruin this country.
