
Rino Hunting Bar Owner Challenges Pawlenty for Governor

Sue Jeffers, owner of Stub & Herbs bar in Stadium Village and president of Minnesotans Against Smoking Bans, is formally announcing she is a candidate for Governor.

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Sue Jeffers spout the OTBL party line on public radio today. My God, she's the OTBL dream girl.

On Taxes and Pawlenty
"Minnesota still has a spending problem and our current elected officials refuse to close the checkbook. Constitutions were written to protect citizens from government. A Taxpayer Bill of Rights would set a limit on government growth at the state and the local level. Any increase in government revenues and spending above population growth and the rate of inflation must be approved. A taxpayer bill of rights will seek to slow government growth, not reverse it."

"There is little doubt if parents had an affordable option they would not send their children to public school."

"In Minnesota, per pupil expenditures are about $8,000 in government funded schools. Private schools spend about half."

Suzi hasn't done her research when she spouts off these figures.
Hill Murry Tuition $8,800

"When a government program fails, the most common response is to say it needs more money, our taxpayer dollars. Of course, it is always for the children, the economy, the poor, the disadvantaged or another under-represented sector. The Democrats talk about the children as they make government bigger while the Republicans talk about smaller government while they make it bigger. We need to make government smaller, more efficient and more effective."

Yeah, we've heard that for the last 6 years from Republicans.

"Prosperity results when government protects private property rights, maintains law and order, provides basic services, low taxes and regulation. Government produces nothing and does not always have to do something. Government can only redistribute wealth created by private enterprise or it can destroy it. There is nothing right about taking money from one and giving it to another and calling it compassion. Subsidies, research grants and similar expenditures were never intended to be the role of government."

The current economy sure verifies this lie. What prosperity? and for who?

If this woman is the future of MN, I have to start thinking about a new career, something like
OTBL dating service. Too bad there's only one of her.


  1. Cato:

    Do you think smoking should be band in bars?

  2. Do you think strip clubs should have darken windows so people on the street can't see naked people dancing for dollars?

  3. CATO:
    She sounds like your dream candidate.
    I love the way she frames issues to disguise what would result if her ideas were put into affect. Also love her tuition lies. There's no other word for that one. Sound like one of our Hudson School board candidates that claimed MN public schools paid $5K/pupil and WI $11K. He used the State cost/pupil in MN and compared it to the total cost/pupil.
    Anyway, if you check out the Hill Murry link you'll find her figures are BS.

  4. CATO said:

    "Sue Jeffers is very stupid for challenging Pawlenty. She should have just tried to get the Libertarian nomination, which is what her original plan was."

    I'm surprised to here you say this.
    It shows that you are more pragmatic than I thought

  5. CATO:

    Please show me an actual school tuition that is half in MN. You are also comparing apples and turnips since private parochial schools receive much aid from their religious organizations,
    are not mandated for special ed. and report only some of their expenditures in the per pupil costs.

    Anyway, she sugar coat her message well. Not bad for a poison pill.
    And support for TABOR. Colorado pretty much tried that stupid idea and failed so much so that the governor advocated it's repeal.

  6. Cato:

    When your searching through the CATO archives, can you see if you can find any articles that speak positively about public education? If so could you site them in the comments. I've looked but I'm not having any luck.

  7. Cato:

    My point is can you find my a couple of pro public education articles in the CATO archives.

  8. Cato:

    It's not a value judgement. It's a favor. Of course, being a libertarian, I don't want you to do anything against your free will. It would be more of a nod in the direction of charity.

  9. JPN:

    You could start with this site:
    or this for yankee imperialist, in English.


  10. OK, CATO,
    You found one. How much does the parish and diocese contribute to this school?

    We should be talking cost per pupil like Suzi, not Church subsidized tuition.

  11. 666:

    You asked:

    "Do you think smoking should be band in bars?"

    I think some bands should be barred from bars.

  12. CATO:

    To support my point:

    Holy Trinity Catholic School is committed to remaining an affordable parochial school. Elementary school tuition for the 2005-06 school year is just $1,650 and high school tuition is only $2,975.
    Emphasis Here...
    However, since the true cost of educating each student is substantially higher, the school is greatly supported by the parishioners of Holy Trinity Catholic Church.

    In addition, each year the school benefits from fundraisers such as the Winstock Country Music Festival, the Higher Ground Christian Music Festival, the Spring Fling Dinner Auction and donations from alumni and friends of the school. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation in support of Holy Trinity Catholic School,

  13. Cato:

    When comparing tuition between private and public, it's important to make a distinction between elementary and high school. Elementary school are by far cheaper to operate that junior and senior high schools. This will also skew your tuition number.

    Likewise, private school students off participate in public programs, ride on the buses and use the facilities. Parts that I know have their kids in the band, choir and sports. Their kids also ride the bus.

  14. God JPN,

    That sounds like Communism... oh I mean Community. Bands, buses, extra curricular activities that nobody is able to profit from offered to private school kids at taxpayer expense. Socialism, evil...... I'm scared the Russians are coming.
