
Get Government Off My Back

A veteran returning from Korea went to college on the GI Bill, bought his house with an FHA loan and saw his kids born in a VA hospital. His family got their electricity from the TVA, and a little later their water came from an EPA project.

Meanwhile, his parents retired to a farm on social security, got electricity from the Rural Electrification Agency and soil testing from USDA. When his father had been laid off and his mother became ill a few years back, the family had been saved from financial ruin by Medicare. Another life in his family was saved with a drug developed by NIH.

His children participated in the school lunch program, learned physics from teachers trained in a National Science Foundation program and went through college with guaranteed student loans. He drove to work on the Interstate and moored his boat in a channel dredged by Army engineers. When floods hit, he took Amtrak to Washington, D.C. to apply for disaster relief, then spent a little time visiting the Smithsonian Institution.

When he returned home, he wrote a letter to his representative in Congress demanding that the government get off his back and stop raising his taxes to pay for all of those government handouts created for ungrateful people.

Originator unknown. Offered by Saul Schniderman

Read more@ Big Labor.com.


  1. Your typical conservative Republican is a self-made man who pulled himself up by his bootstraps without the giverment handing him everything on a silver platter. He's blazed his own trail to wealthiness, taking advantage of free markets, his red-bloodedness, and his first and second amendment rights along the way. He talks to the one true Christian God. He has raised his kids to be more moral than your kids, and he has provided them with the guidance to get ahead in life despite the socialist government schools. So, why would you expect such a superman to provide for the lazy bums who don't have the get up and go like him? Be reasonable.

  2. ...so they can eventually fit through the eye of a needle.

  3. Good for you CATO, Good for you.
    Maybe you should see a Chiropractor for that back problem.

  4. Hey, if Atlas could carry the world,
    you can carry the government!

  5. CATO:
    You're right. After carrying the world for so long you should tell your employer that you need a break and you're taking the day off with pay.
    Don't worry about the world. Us ATBL bloggers will take over for you.
