
30 Million Dead, 40 Million Infected..

..and 40 million new infections in the next five years.

Thanks to a personality problem in the World Health Organizaton and the ignorance of Reagan, Bush Sr., and Clinton on the real scope of the problem, HIV/AIDS has gone from an epidemic to a pandemic with no end in sight.

Amazingly, it took 80's rockstar Bono's influence on none other than Jesse Helms to convince Rice and Bush that the world needed help. In the early years of Bush's Presidency he dedicated 15 billion dollars, much of it to Africa, to pay for medication that has, on average, extended the life of victims an additional 8 years.

That fund will dry up in early 2008, leaving many African's (and other developing countries) unable to afford the cost of the pricely Triple Cocktail. It should be noted that 95% of new infections are in developing countries.

Question: What should the United States' roll be in the world regarding this issue?


  1. CATO:
    If everyone who is guilty of treason in your view was shot, the NRA would run out of bullets.

  2. CATO:

    You know that wasn't my point. We can change to NRA members if you like.
    Regardless, there would be nobody but you, Dr. Bill and 1 or 2 select OTBLers left as executioners. Let's call it the OTBL/Classical Liberal/Objectivist-full employment proposal.

  3. CATO:

    Most of what you say concerning the spread of AIDS may be true. Yet there
    are those infected through transfusions in the U.S. Also, Josh was talking about Africa. Many of the infected women, and now children (born to infected women , many of them orphans now )are not necessarily participating in sexual activity concentually.
    But of course as with most catotrophic issues in the world, that's not your problem.

  4. Josh,
    In order to understand objectivist morallity you have to turn your own moral system upside down. Your black is their white, your east is their west. I like to refer to their thinking as the moral upside down cake.

  5. CATO:
    What is the ultimate penalty for treason? Death!!!! You know that if those guiley of treason in your view were brought to trial, the penalties I alluded to (regardless of how hyperblolic they may be )would be the logical result.

  6. Josh,

    Yes, and maybe Ellsworth too.

  7. CATO:
    You said:

    "There was still a choice. I suppose we could just remove their brains before they are born to thus get rid of the problem of children with AIDS."


    "My penny is worth more in the eyes of my government if it is just than the lives of every non-citizen on the planet."


    "If found guilty. But there are only 546 people I can think of off the top of my head that would be considered in this bunch, and not all of them have violated their oath. So it's less than that, and I have that many bullets laying around the house that I probabbly have forgot about."

    Do YOU have any idea how abhorant these statements are to myself, and most likely 95% or more of the populace or is that just your political theater?

  8. Josh,

    You fit right in here.

  9. CATO:

    "And finally that last statement -- can you name more people? I'm all ears."

    I'll take that as a "no".

    What percentage of the population do you believe hold similar views to yours regarding the govenment?

  10. CATO:

    I'll take that as a "no".

    I am confused ANDYRAND.

    I take it as a "no" that you don't realize that most would view your statements I listed as abhorant.

    As for popularity. While that may not determine truth, it does determine who is chosen to lead us, at least in our current system.

  11. CATO:

    your said.
    "I suppose we could just remove their brains before they are born to thus get rid of the problem of children with AIDS."

    If you don't find this abhorant and can't understand why others would. I don't know what to say.

    I too was confused as to who you meant when you said more people.

    Well, Maybe Federal court judges?
    Members of the Armed Services?
    New citizens to this country?

    If I'm not mistaken I believe they take an oath to protect and defend the constitution or don't they?

  12. So the federal judges are safe from the wrath of your interpretation of the Constitution?

  13. Well aren't they the one's violating the strick "Constructionist" interpretation of the Contitution.
    I think "Constructionist" is the right term?

  14. maggie.danhakl@healthline.comOctober 28, 2014


    I hope this finds you well. Healthline just released an informative article with graphics regarding HIV/AIDs facts in the US and around the World. The page details who is being effected and the cost of treatment. You can check out the resource here: http://www.healthline.com/health/hiv-aids/facts-statistics-infographic

    This valuable, med-reviewed information shows the need to continueeducating people on prevention and how to protect yourself and your loved ones. I thought this would be a great resource for your audience, and I am writing to ask if you would include it as a source of information on your page: http://atbl1.blogspot.com/2006/08/30-million-dead-40-million-infected.html

    Please let me know if this would be possible. I’m happy to answer any other questions as well.

    Warm regards,
    Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
    Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health
    660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
    www.healthline.com | @Healthline | @HealthlineCorp

    About Us: corp.healthline.com
