Danielson Plays All His Cards. Now We Wait ... Will Madison Listen?
Did you notice? Bill Danieslon just played all his cards. He bet the OTBL house, and now we wait to see the results ... or lack thereof.
What a Grand Experiment!
Last weekend, Danielson made the case that blogging is an efficient tool to push for political change. He said: "Blogs are an incredibly effective mechanism for getting information out, and debating ideas. Blogging, in general, has had (and will continue to have) a huge impact for the time and dollars invested - it rings of good ole fashioned republican efficiency!" (And you can do it in your boxer shorts, too!)
And, almost as if he needed to prove his point, he blogged his 2000-word manifesto entitled: "Education Credits and the LLEC in Wisconsin." (Even though he doesn't actually live in Wisconsin.)
I'm not going to reprint the manifesto here on ATBL. It's just more Danielson manure - but, hey, if you're into cowpies feel free to check it out on OTBL.
Anyway, the key here is not the weak substance of the Danielson Manifesto. The key is that Danielson actually expects his gibberish to get the attention of Madison! He says: "It is my sincere hope that candidate Mark Green, Senator Harsdorf and Representative Rhoades take a serious look at this proposal and immediately start the process of detailed analysis of the financial impacts of such a system and to begin crafting legislation that would implement it." (Yeah, he really said that!)
But, will our good legislators in Madison read the manifesto on OTBL and take immediate action??
In a month or so, I think I'll call a few senators and representatives in Madison and ask this question:
"So, have you started crafting legislation to implement William Danielson's local levy education tax credit system, as fully described for you in the ontheborderline.net blog site?"
I expect I will get some answers like this:
1. Huh?
2. William who?
3. On the bordereaux?
4. Local tax credit wha..?
But, Danielson can't cheat. He can't mail letters or e-mails or make phone calls to legislators on the subject. That would skew the results.
We need to find out, once and for all, if OTBL is the Power-Blog of Madison that The Doctors of Liberty claim it to be.
Tick-tock. Time will tell ....
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