
Why The Sky Is Falling On The Borderline

What I find interesting at OTBL is the continued rantings of Jack Bauer. Consider how she quacks about the pre-election "attack letter."

Check this current JB quote under the heading "Boy Scouts Accused of Engaging in Political Activity."

"These gentlemen were involved with the now infamous last minute negative attack letter in the recent School Board election. The letter was signed by O’Brien, Montello and Swanda. The postage meter of the Bakke Norman law firm was used to issue the postage on the envelopes. Much suspicion exists that the adult leadership of the local Boy Scouts had the kids in the Troop participate in mailing the attack letter. Allegedly, they were assigned to stuff and put the mailing labels on the envelopes. Tim Scott, another attorney at the same Bakke Norman, is active as a leader with the local Scouts' programs."

So now "much suspicion exists that the adult leadership of the local Boy Scouts had the kids in the Troop participate in mailing the attack letter." Also included with this post is an article about a Boy Scout troop marching in an immigration rally in Utah. No wonder they love JB at OTBL. Of course, the "much suspicion" is probably swirling in the minds of the rotten apples that totally take away any legitimacy of the Do Group in New Richmond. JB has it in for TO'B and no doubt is probably the same person who had her daughter from central Wisconsin send in a letter to the NR News questioning TO'B's possible conflict of interest some months back. It's the same spineless, anonymous type of attack that continues to be exercised by JB.

Another current OTBL post talks about the lack of school population growth in Prescott. They put down a few numbers but forget to mention the antics of a group in Prescott that employed the same tactics as the OTBL'ers but in a less technical fashion. They circulated anonymous pamphlets in Prescott's fill with misinformation and outright lies. Their whole purpose was to strangle public education and they did a fairly good job of temporarily derailing the school district.

In Prescott the leafleting group -- related to the Tea Party -- said they had to be anonymous because teachers would take it out on the children of the pamphleteers. That's the same thing you hear from the OTBL'ers. One of the charges in the pamphlets was that certain administrators got a $5,000 bounty for every children that got signed up for four-year old kindergarten.

One reason the population growth stopped is because people quit moving into the school district because of the school problems. Another is that people moved out of the district because of the problems. Recall that there were mold and asbestos problems in one Prescott school that forced the busing of students to Ellsworth. Then there were additional space issues that required trailers. Word also has it that Tea Party members did get elected to the school board and resigned before their term was up because their wasn't anything they to do to screw things up any more. When people ask me why I "waste" my time on the likes of the OTBL'ers, I tell them about my experience at a small town newspaper where I saw this same type of hurtful, anti-community, anonymous attacking going on.

I don't know that I've made too many comments about the recent New Richmond school board elections, but I would like to point out to the Yes Group that they have the right to lick their wounds in close-election defeat. However, if they really believed in what they were fighting for -- improving the future of the New Richmond school district -- then they need to get back up and fight for this. The Do Group is focused on cleaning house on the school board. Obviously, Chris Skoglund and Lester Jones are in their sights. Greg Gartman isn't quite in the cross-hairs of their hatred. Anybody standing in support of Skoglund and Jones better be prepared for a fight.

I remind myself that posters and commenter's at OTBL are brainwashed into a certain way of thinking. They are just like fundamentalist religious fanatics -- and some are that too -- who have been brainwashed into an inflexible mindset. A mindset that only works on paper in theories taught in doctorate-level economic classes for historical purposes only or that is based on the writing of Ayn Rand. They call groups like the OTBL bloggers "cults." What has Ayn Rand done to push the world community forward? Look at the whores of the almighty dollar who have sunk our democracy to its current depths: Abramoff, DeLay, Rove, Reed, Nordquist, etc.

They road the 1980s Me-Generation wave today's jail cells. They don't believe in ideals, they believe in the size of their bank accounts. What you have at the OTBL is a group of greed-headed wannabes who care only about their own pocketbooks and justify this based on the doctrine of selfishness scribbled out by some weird woman named Any Rand and an arrogant, ignored Austrian economist name Ludwig von Mises.

And so it goes...

1 comment:

  1. JPN,
    You forgot to mention SEC Chairman Christopher Cox in you list of Bush insider Ayn Rand disciples.
    Learn more about him at:

    Just a little more info. from us 14 year olds.........
