
Two Dollars On Baker - To Show

Political contests have often been described as being analogous to a horserace.
In Hudson we have 6 candidates competing for 3 seats on the Hudson school board.
Even with Mr.Baker's "Funny Math" calculator, one calculation is as simple as apple pie.
You only have to beat 3 candidates to win your seat.In horseracing parlance, Baker is running for "Show". It seems that the'Baker only crowd" doesn't even have enough confidence in the power of their candidate's ideas, and charisma, or lack there of, to compete in
an election without the cheap trick of the bullet ballot. What's the real motivation of the "Baker only choice"? You don't have to be a Dr. Bill "Braniac" Danielson to figure that one out either. The goal is not to gain votes for Baker but lessen votes for the others. People will vote how they choose to vote. And Dr. SpiritofBS can waste thousands of words apologizing for how that's not unpatriotic. But if you vote for one candidate only because you don't have enough confidence that he can "Show" in a field of six, you have my deepest sympathies.

1 comment:

  1. Shamus:

    Your words win the Gold Star. I will print this comment and keep it in my desk for future reading as inspirational material.

