
School Election Results

To track all St. Croix County elections results:SCC County Clerk


  1. You know darn well that this means nothing. Tom Holland did lit drops and phone calls, he rang door bells and got the vote. Baker did nothing except put up a few signs. Could you imagine if he did some lit drops and made phone calls?

  2. Gentlemen, Do you know what i find to be particularly interesting? Of course you don't because that shows in your web site. I truely hope the 5 of you are enjoying yourselves because that is all the readers you have. Any way , I find it interesting that so many have left since these OTBL's have been asking hard questions. Dr. Bernth retired. Did you ever wonder why? Why all of the sudden are thes rest leaving too? Could it be because someone caught on to the cheating and the scandals? Golly gee I never thunkt of that.DU

  3. Yea, the police would be beleaguered with calls about crank calls and a strange man roaming about the neighborhood.

  4. Anon:
    He could have left because he was eligible for retirement. Lots of people do that...

  5. Is it a victory to borderliners when board members move on, or school administrators retire and move on? I don't see why that is a victory (unless of course you haven't had a victory to celebrate in say - three years). I just see more school board members and school administrators taking their places. Fresh faces. Fresh energy. Locked and loaded, with the pathetic borderliners in their sights. As for numbers? I saw 110 write-in votes for Weese/Pribonic. That makes 55 citizens who are die-hard borderliners. Not bad for a surrounding area of about 25,000 people.
