
Ontheborderline Blog Designates 'ATS&R' As A New Cuss Word

The Minneapolis architectural and engineering firm of Armstrong, Torseth, Skold, and Rydeen, Inc. (ATS&R) has provided services over the last few years to school districts in Western Wisconsin - such as Hudson and New Richmond. ATS&R has analyzed capacity and functionality issues of the various schools buildings. The ATS&R analysis and recommendations have been disparaged and categorically dismissed by the borderwhiner bloggers at ontheborderline.nut.

Today the borderwhiners have made it official by declaring that "ATS&R" shall, from this point forward, be considered a cuss word.

Dr. Bubonic: "He's a junk-dealing ATS&R'n collectivist!"

Dr. Wheeze (to a socialist teacher's spouse): "You're a piece of ATS&R!"

Dr. Bil: "That character is a just a limp-ATS&R."

Dr. Conn: "Where's my ATS&R'n sawed-off shotgun? I need to blast an ATS&R'n commie!"

Dr. Shawenuff: "The ATS&R'n cops got me by the scruff of the neck agin!"

Dr. Admin Kilber: "If anyone uses the 'A-word,' I'll boot them off my blog. I won't stand for profanity here!"

ATS&R could not be reached for comment. The principals of the firm were generally busy designing buildings, winning awards, and running their profitable business. However, they did release a statement to the press: "ATS&R Firm Designates 'OTBL' As A New Cuss Word."

1 comment:

  1. Those OTBL'ers better be careful with those guns...they might shoot an eye out.
