
"Mission Accomplished": An Historic Overview

I don't know about Hannity, but I detect an upward trend that started shortly after President Bush landed on an aircraft carrier and told us we had won the war.

1 comment:

  1. Cheney Argues Energy Meetings Should Remain Secret
    By Don Van Natta Jr.
    New York Times

    Friday, 27 September, 2002

    From February to May last year, Mr. Cheney and the task force held a series of meetings with as many as 400 people from 150 corporations, trade associations, environmental groups and labor unions, to devise a new energy policy for the nation. The task force report recommended more drilling for oil and gas, and promoted the need to build 1,300 to 1,900 electric plants to meet the nation's projected energy demand over the next two decades.

    Since May 2001, the administration has repeatedly refused to turn over the documents the General Accounting Office seeks: lists of people present at each meeting of the national energy task force, and lists of the people who met with each member of the task force, including the date, subject and location of each meeting.

    In February, the office sued Mr. Cheney for the documents.

    Last summer, the administration turned over 77 pages of documents to the accounting office related to the costs of the task force. But Mr. Walter said those documents did not provide the identities of the industry executives who had advised the task force.
