

With respect to the recount request of Hudson school board member Priscilla Wyeth, Bill Danielson says: "This was an opportunity lost for Ms. Wyeth to display grace and magnanimity. She could have been part of the healing process between the divisions of the Hudson community, part of a larger solution."

What gives Borderliners???

Has your master gone soft?

Has the antipsychotic medication he takes for his Short Man's Syndrome finally kicked in??

Whatever it is, I'm all for it.

Next step in the healing process: Shut down OTBL.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I'm naive, but Priscilla Wyeth could be part of the healing process How?
    By bowing out? I don't get it.
    How could she be part of the healing process when the disease ridden OTBL bloggers and their endorsements are the the real malady?
    Would OTBL be able to claim some kind
    of twisted vitory, like the Baker Win if they feel she'd been ousted from the School Board by 1 vote.
    Someone on the dark side isn't taking their Zoloft.
