Scary...$4.5 trillion. Maybe that's related to the $4.5 million the OTBL'ers are talking about. Maybe if we find out the number of school districts in the US and multply them by $4.5 million, I bet you a can of promotional nuts that it equals $4.5 trillion. Yes, I finding that the more Zoloft I take the more the OTBL'ers make sense. I must go. The walls are starting to talk. I believe they are ssaying President Bush is Eric Clapton...
Scary...$4.5 trillion. Maybe that's related to the $4.5 million the OTBL'ers are talking about. Maybe if we find out the number of school districts in the US and multply them by $4.5 million, I bet you a can of promotional nuts that it equals $4.5 trillion. Yes, I finding that the more Zoloft I take the more the OTBL'ers make sense. I must go. The walls are starting to talk. I believe they are ssaying President Bush is Eric Clapton...