

Today, Hudson school board ME ONLY candidate Captain Spaulding concluded his write-in campaign by wrapping himself in the American Flag. Nice touch.

Now the choice is in your hands.

You can vote for Spaulding, who is clearly the handsomest of the candidates. But he is also a cad, heel, cretin, lout, and rouge. Therefore, if you value looks over substance, Captain Spaulding is your man.

You can vote 4 bakerony, but Mr. Baker is sorely lacking in both personal appearance and substance (so don't waste your vote).

OR, you can get out and vote for three of the REAL candidates. These are the community-minded people who will provide responsible stewardship for our Hudson school system. They have worked hard for your vote, and they need it on Tuesday.

So remember:

Tracy Habisch-Ahlin
Brian Bell
Priscilla Wyeth
Tom Holland

P. S. Captain Spaulding, we'll miss you but come back and run for Hudson mayor next time. That's the job for you!


  1. My dearest Spaulding, you've been a breath of fresh air in your attempt to dominate the vote-one only, bullet campaign that has been run by Mr. Bakerony. In terms of the horse race between you two, you were certain the fresh air being taken in at the front end of the horse and Mr. B was representing the posterior exhaling. If wish you luck with you future political endeavors.

    Who knows, if you suffer a serious head injury between now and the next election, the OTBL'ers might be endorsing you! You've been a rose in the outhouse of this election. You were the Yukon Jack in the coffee club!

    And by the way, that is an excellent collection of Baker signs you have. This time, don't bring them over to the Bakery and leave them on his front lawn. That will only encouraged him to run again. Remember, he said he was going to keep running until he ran out of signs.

    Heck, bring them over and put them in my shed. I can show you my collection of Bush signs from 2000 and 2004. What's interesting about those signs is that mice would rather eat D-con instead of those signs.

    One note of caution, please don't use risky phrases like "Now the choice is in your hands." The OTBL admin reads this blog and he might take that as being lewd and vulgar.

  2. Captain Spaulding,
    As you sail into the sunset on the St. Croix, we'll have fond memories of your caddiness, and dream of the potential corruption you could have brought to our upstanding school board. Since I haven't see a single yard sign of yours, I'm sure the market value on them is already sky high. It's too bad you started your campaign so late, but look at the bright side, you'll soon be able to continue you life long ambition of unemployment just like the Admin of OTBL. Don't tell anyone but I have an "in" with the Admin. of this blog and I hear he's looking for a mascot. Your colorful and devilishly satirical image may just fit the bill. I bring up the issue the next time th ATBL board of directors meets. Adios, Captain my friend.
