
Drum, drum, drum, drum .... (Boom!)

Today on Rush: "Are we ever going to be allowed to win another war in this country unless there's some idiotic Democrat president who doesn't know how to fight one in office? Nobody wants to deal with Iran. Folks, there are people who are trying to get the president's head and Rumsfeld's head who will lose this country if they get control of it. They are sending the message to Iran that we will not fight for our stated principles and beliefs. They are buying time for Iran to build up. The one thing that Iran has admitted its frightened of is Bush, because Bush has used force. They would love for somebody besides Bush to be president, some mealy-mouthed John Kerry. Why don't they tell us right now -- all of these people who are saying Rumsfeld has to go, that Rice stinks, that Bush stinks, that John Bolton is a bad guy, why don't these people tell us right now -- how they are going to stop Iran from getting nukes, and let's be honest. Diplomacy won't work, and it hasn't worked, and neither will the United Nations. The idea that one-on-one negotiations will work is also nuts."

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