
Dr. Bill's World.....Where Black is White and UP is Down

One day after the Hudson School Board Elections, Outside aggitator
Dr. Bill posted the follow comment on OTBL.

"Winner: Believe it or not, James Baker! Yes, I believe his fifth place finish was actually a victory of sorts. Jim had the guts to tell it like it is and present the only intelligent and highly informed challenge to the voters. The fact that the status quo won the day is not as important as the fact that Mr. Baker stood tall and ran an honest campaign. His message is not going away, and he seems to have more effect on this school district's board merely by running than he ever would if he were actually on the board... editor's note ("Right that's why he's run 3 times".)
Jim, thank you for providing a rallying point for so many - hat's off to Lana as well!"

No, Hat's off to you Dr. Bill....
Only in the Wacky upside down, Ayn Rand world of Dr. Wild Bill Danielson can coming in fifth out of six in an election for 3 seats be considered a "Victory" (of sorts).
Dr. Bill, you've truly lost it this time. With all that blood rushing to your "Super size me" brain I think a blood vessel must have burst. Dr. Bill just doesn't get it. It's not Jim Baker that can't be sold, it's the Jim Baker message that Dr. Bill refuses to let die. Hat's off to Dr. Bill ( Oh his hat is already off) for snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.

In his new book, "Reality: The Delusion Nobody Needs". Dr. Bill describes the secret technics of delusion illustrated by diagrams and calculations by Dr. James Baker. ( A real Phd.)
See Fig. 1. Below:
If you'd like to volunteer for a trial study soon to be conducted by Dr. Bill and his associate
Dr. James on perception and the paranormal, the world from outside the planet, closely follow the instuctions outlined in their online pretest at the Center for Fruitcakology.


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