"I think that most children start out brilliant and I think that our government schools, and their resulting chaos, make our brilliant, freedom-loving children into much less than what God intended."
Quote #2 From HSO candidate profiles. ( For those who recently cancelled their subscriptions and feel good about it )
"Holland has a high opinion of the education his children have received in Hudson’s public schools. “I have yet to meet a teacher who wasn’t committed and caring about the work they were doing and the kids they taught. It appears to be a higher calling and not just a paycheck to them. My son has received an appointment to the Naval Academy and that is due in large part to the public education and the opportunities he received here.”
I guess candidate Holland's son must be one of those kids that the Government Schools ruined. Any Naval cadets over ontheborderline?
I believe that OTBL is primarily a nest of chickenhawks who like to talk about large caliber guns...did somebody say "quail?"