
ontheborderline.net Announces The Opening of Local Private High School

To be named the Von Mises-Rand Institute of Cut-N-Paste Arts, the school colors will be black and white. The school mascot will be the Caveman. The cirriculum is not expected to be taxing. The cafeteria will serve a variety of meals that include dry roasted internet nuts and baloney-nut hotdish.

Students are requested to make sure they use the bathroom at home before going to school, as the outhouse is only a one-seater.


  1. Magister Mundi sum! (I am the Master of the Universe!)

  2. Grate! Now I kin send ma' seven kids to that skool. (Ah'l need a li'l help from the govmint to pay fer it tho.) Affer that, I'm goin' to git workin' on a new private police force. I got some frinds that I kin deputize as occifers. Affer that, I'm goin' to start a new newspaper, where I won't no longer be sensoreded. Ain't free markits great??

  3. Super Stinker!,
    It's guys like you that make guys like me long for the days when we had real police brutality, not that namby pamby
    Hudson kind.

  4. Hey, the First Amendmint gives me the right to speek ma' piece. The Secind Amendmint gives me the raght to make ma' own malitia. The Third Amendment gives me the raght to ... the raght to ... to.. to.. Oh hell. The Second Amendmint gives me the raght to bare arms, and the Persoot of Hapiness!!!!!!
