The following letter was written for the Holy Scared Oracle and not submitted due to the paper’s request. The paper has requested I not do this, because paid subscribers have started complaining that their canaries are suffering from constipation wherever they line their bird cages with my letters.
Dear Editor:
There have been numerous letters written to the paper in support of any number of candidates. Many people don’t realize, with the exception of candidate Jim “Bullet” Baker, that all the other candidates are part of an ever expanding conspiracy that includes the police, the local government, the HSO, the League of Women Voters, various librarians, YMCA, all government school officials and teacher union members suckling the teat of government sponsored larceny. Did I mention the Trilateral Commission and the owners of the Left of Center store?
Many of those same individuals say that our school district “pop fund” is under control yet our school system is making an astonishing amount of money on recycled aluminum cans. This year it is slightly over $11,000 per child. The way we figure it at the OTBL club house, that means each student has to spend $4.5 million on pop annually. If you were to line these empty pop cans up from the superintendent’s office to a certain golf course in Eau Claire, it would make a pile of baloney half the size of my ego. Presently, my allowance is only $1.50 a week. $11,000 is 20 years of allowance for me. In 20 years, my wife will retired and finally realize I’ve spent every weekday morning watching Clifford the Big Red Dog and having fantasies of washing my car with SpongeBob SquarePants. After I get done explaining this to her, I may be forced to get a paper route…but you can bet it won’t be carrying the HSO.
Many of the HSO letter writers over the past several months fall into one of two categories: those who agree with me or the socialist, collectivist, communist idiots. The later group of pond scum either benefits directly as an employee’s spouse’s uncle’s ex-brother-in-law’s former barber or the spouse’s librarian’s sister’s paperboy, or they benefit financially by providing goods and services to barbers and paperboys in the school district or by knowing where the district keeps that damn pop fund can. This also includes many unrelated people who make a living by actually working – a concept, as a self-proclaimed entrepreneur, I find hard to grasp. There are specific reasons why these people would like to see this conspiracy widen to eventually include the school district of my hometown Roswell, New Mexico.
Unlike my friends at www.ontheborderline.net who agree with everything I say – or else -- our school board has made decisions that I don’t agree with and I therefore deem them mistakes, at best, or, more realistically, another small puzzle piece of the entanglements of the underhanded, international conspiracy that may eventually force me to get a part time job and contribute to the tax base. Only as the growth slows and finally stops, will we start to see the white pines once again take root, start pushing their way back up through the deserted back top of our streets of Hudson, rightfully reclaiming the countryside and restoring the St. Croix Valley to the way it was in 1776. Then you will look back and see, as always, I was right and everybody was wrong.
If my boy Jim doesn’t win this election, the conspirators will have won. Soon the chauffeurs of teachers will be taking the food out of students’ mouths and selling it out of the window of their Cadillac to beggars like me on the street.
Only five candidates have voiced any concern at all about moving education forward, improving the curriculum to meet the expanding challenges of a rapidly diversifying world and having an open and honest outlook on the challenges ahead. A vote for any of these five candidates will serve to improve the school system and would do nothing to boost my ego and calm my Type-A agitation and irritability. I realize that most people not reading this will vote for three people. But, knowing that you readers at www.ontheborderline.nut find three to be a really large number – but smaller than the $4.5 million -- I am encouraging you to vote for only one candidate to minimize your confusion and the potential of excess drooling in the voting booth. If you are lucky enough to be a tenth as perfect as me and desire directions to Dr. Bill’s Mississippi Post-Election, Hot Tube party, then I recommend voting for only one person on April 1st- Jim Baker.
Love me!
Cute Geese
Nuts Hudson

I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope that Jim makes it in this year!!! He's the great borderliner hope. He's the best we could come up with this year, but he's really ours, he's in our pockets. He's our guy. He cares about our psychoses, and our obsessions. He cares about our skunk rights. Thank you Cute Geese for putting down in words what all of us borderliners have been thinking for so long. Go, Jim, Go! Some day Alice - to the Moon!!!!
ReplyDeleteOn a serious note. Does anyone think it's a coincidence that Baker unveiled his "Bullet" strategy just in time for the "be nice too all candidates" letter writing week at HSO. He did this to try to stop any criticism of his tactic. Don't let them get away with it. Vote for 3 with integrity.
ReplyDeleteDear Cute,
ReplyDeleteI swear I've read this same letter 100 times in different forms and incarnations. You say the same thing, over, and over, and over, and over, and over....(excuse me my fingers got stuck). GET A LIFE WILL YOU. We've heard your whine ENOUGH to move to Napa valley for relief.
Why don't you just write your bullet points and save yourself some time.
1.$11,000/ kid is way too much.
2.I hate taxes.
3.Teacher Spouses Suck.
4.I wish I could retire like a teacher.
5.I'm a wealth creator.
You could even fit this on one of your big ugly plywood signs and display it all year over on the Charmichael Farm.
Redundancy: I had the same thought when I read Cute's latest letter to the OTBL Editor. Nothing new. The same ol' same ol'. This guy has got to get some new material or he's going to get boo'd off the stage. Maybe he could add something like: "Poor me. The jack-booted thugs hauled me out of the school board meeting on June 14." On second thought, I think I've heard that one 523 times already.
ReplyDeleteI suppose he's operating under the assumption that repetition is an important part of learning. Of course, constantly reminding people why you should be nominated to the Fools Hall of Fame helps educate people on the idiocracy the festers ontheborderline.net.
ReplyDeleteDo you think he'd reply to the HSO comments online. NO WAY!! If he did
ReplyDeletethen he couldn't whine about HSO breaking it's editorial rules.
Tantrum time comming soon. Just watch!!!!