
Laissez-faire - Anti-Goverment Critic Seeks Help...(From the Government)

I had to sympathize with the Lenvik Lad's telemarketing tail of woe. You're in the middle of something,
usually dinner, the phone rings and you get this recorded message, or it's
a telemarketer."Hello Mr. Watcher" they usually started out. I always respond,
"Speaking" to prevent these vultures from using my voice saying "yes" and claiming that I consented
to purchasing a life time supply of magazines.If it's a live person, they usually start with
something like, "How are you tonight" my first response is a very tentative.
"It depends why your calling?"
At that point they launch into their prepared script, usually asking you a question.
"Are you a home owner, etc". to which I respond. " I'm not interested" if they persist,
I say "Thank You" and hang up. People tell me I'm rude. I consider these people invaders
in my home and this is my way of escorting them to the other side of the moat.
In Lenvik's case, he's encountered an unscrupulous business that thinks they've found
a loophole in the law. After all, Lenvik called them didn't he? So they are right in saying
they are not soliciting anything (technically).
What I find most amusing are the numberous contraditions in the laddie's story.
The most obvious is, as a promoter of Laizie Faire economic, free market, get the government
off of the back of business supporter, you'd think that the "lad" would laud the entrepeneurial
spirit of the business he's complaining about. After all, the "Lad" is what P.T. Barnum would
refer to as "a sucker", the kind that is born evety minute.
But instead, the lad seeks assistace and protection from these kinds of dishonest business practices
from non other that the FCC. (A.K.A. THE GOVERNMENT ).
But the OTBL philosophers say, "BACK OFF FCC, Who are you to tell private businesses who they can call at dinner time?" Their cry is heard loud and clear. " Get Government OFF our backs".
You see Mr. Lad, this is why we at ATBL, think that "The Government", while often overly bueraucratic, has a place in reigning in jerks like the telemarketers you are so upset with.

Why didn't Mr. Lad, call in the "Free Market" to take action acgainst these scoundrals? I mean, in Dr. Bill's fantasy world the "Free Market'will take care of everything right? Like magic? So, the next time you encounter a scam artist like the one you discribed Mr. Lenvic, call Dr. Bill, or the CATO institute or some other right wing fruitcake, and get off the back of
"The Government".

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