

How much more is it going to cost Hudsonites to build our new schools if we just wait a few more years? Marshall Swift/Boeckh Corporation continually monitors building material costs and wage rates in nearly 3,000 areas of the U.S. to provide cost updates that reflect the current market. As the statistics below clearly demonstrate, building and labor costs continue to skyrocket.

Drywall: 2004 increase = 20.8%; 2005 increase = 16.9%

Ready-mixed Concrete: 2004 increase = 7.8%; 2005 increase = 9.6%

Copper & Brass Mill Shapes: 2004 increase = 32.2%; 2005 increase = 22.1%

Asphalt Shingles: 2005 increase = 10.1%

Steel Decking: 2005 increase = 24%; 2005 increase = 12.3%

Labor Costs: On average = up 3% per year.

I think the Hudson Anti-Public Education Group deserves a great big razzberry from Hudson for their continuing efforts to delay construction, which costs us all more money in the long run. Thanks guys for being the dimmest bulbs in the St. Croix Valley.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the way things appear aren't the way they really are.
    The "Taxpayer Defense Group" or whatever you want to call them claim that they are looking out for the interests of the common taxpayer. They may think so but they are not. Sooner or later new schools will be needed. If you take the Baker approach and wait until there is no choice but to build ( if there ever would be such a point for him ), not only will the costs have gone up, but interest rates also. Brian Bell pointed this out emphatically during the forum. The Fed has had a series of interest rate increases. Every time that happens any new schools will get more expensive and Hudson will get less school. It's a matter of value.
    You may think you're watching your pocket book by voting for Baker, YOU ARE NOT!!!!
    Just look at how they do they're campaign signs. On the Cheap. They look like crap. Are these the people you want calling the shots for the public school? If you're smart and care about your own pocketbook as well, you won't put Baker on the school board. How much clearer can it get?
