Brian Bell was the standout candidate at the Hudson School Board forum on Thursday. A product of public education, a firm supporter of public education, and a man of intelligence and drive. No doubt Mr. Bell will have a long run on the school board, and will likely be board president someday - moving the school district forward into the 21st Century. Things bode well for the Hudson School District because community-minded individuals are stepping forward to carry the ball. Brian Bell, Tracy Habisch-Ahlin, Tom Holland, Priscilla Wyeth, Annette Cook, Nancy Donovan, Mark Kaisersatt, Cindy Crimmins, Dick Muenich, and Dan Tjornehoj are just the tip of the iceberg.
Take note Hudson Anti-Public Education Group, do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for THEE.
There you go again...bringing up that disgusting phrase "community minded." When are you socialists, collectivist, apologists for public, i.e., government, education going to learn that it's not about building the community. It's about tearing things down and drowning them in bathtubs and amending state constitutions to bring about the vision we seek at www.ontheborderline.net.