Our historic archivists have discovered that Dr. Bill D was actually the first blogger at www.ontheborderline.net to endorse the platform of "Bullet" Baker. The essence of the Baker platform is captured in this bdanielson post from 10/19/2005 titled: Vote NO - Part II:
"The second group of yes people are the philosophical believers in collectivism. Private schools are a threat to them because government education (along with the radical environmentalist movement) is essentially the last bastion of collectivism/socialism/Marxism. It is the only place you see it in any meaningful way, government schools and university campuses are unique in that regard. So, you will find these long haired, maggot infested, pot smoking FM types who believe in the socialization idea. That children must be indoctrinated and brainwashed into the statist mentality, because if they are allowed to be educated in a free market environment it will be premised upon the antithesis of everything they believe in. A sad and pathetic group they are, but the fact is they are in control at such places as WEAC and we also have a governor who is highly sympathetic to their cause... They understand better than most that if economic educational choice were implemented, their vision of utopia goes down the proverbial tube."
To find out if you qualify as one of the "long haired, maggot infested, pot smoking FM types" of taxpaying community members mentioned by Baker's biggest little supporter in Illinois and to hear his campaign song "One Is The Loneliest Number click here or, if you chose not to go back so far in time, visit this site on the Stone Age.
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