
"Teacher’s Unions: The Enemy Of Education"

Here's what the anti-public school crowd is saying about the teachers' union. If there are any readers who are teachers and/or union representatives, it would be interesting to hear your comments on this issue. It's interesting that a number of teachers and union reps e-mail me off line, but they don't respond with comments to the posts here. Keep in mind that, as a taxpayer, it's in my best pocketbook-interest to do whatever I can to keep my taxes down. However, I believe the future of our country requires a healthy, triving, responsive, open public education system.

Quite frankly, I don't see many public school teachers or union reps joining in the conversation and explaining their side of the story. If you're worried about people finding out who you are, any comments to these posts are anonymous and I have no clue who makes the comments on the posts -- whether you sign you name anonymous or make up a name or use your own blog name. If that's your reason for not commenting, it's a non-reason.

This blog is for open debate and discussion of the issues. Although we tend to land on the side of public educations supporters, the intention and idea isn't to be a propaganda outlet for the teachers' union.



...Governor Doyle is fine with forcing poor students in Milwaukee to stay in underperforming, sometimes dangerous, public schools in order to placate his NEA supporters. Given the clearly beneficial results that the school choice program has had, this is scandalous...

Read more: Liberty Papers Blog.

Do you agree or disagree with the information in this story? Why or why not?

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