
Hudson Bridge Privatization Complete

OTB&L InterState Commerse Control Co. Inc. announced today that it has finalized its plans with the Bush administration to complete the privatization and corporate takeover of the I-94 Bridge over the St. Croix River linking Wisconsin and Minnisota. Spokesman M. Bubonic, part-time Austrian Economist, Historian and full-time perveyor of internet blather, stated in a news conference.
" We couldn't think of a better time to announce the bridge take over" referring to the recent news that UAE had recently been approved to take over operational control of 6 major U.S. ports. Mr. Bubonic said, "This bridge has been in the hands of the people of WI and MN long enough. It's time that the entrepenuerial potential of this property be unleashed." Asked if citizens of either state would have any input into the crossing's operations, Mr. Bubonic further stated. "Hell No, This is a private enterprise and we'll run it as we see fit. As a privately held corporation, our only moral obligation is to make a profit."
Reporters further pressed Bubonic to comment on rumors that the bridge might some day require a toll, his reply was. "Someday? how about March 15th, the Ides of March,that's a good a day as any for us to start Toll operations." He added, "We've invited Vice President Chaney
to lead the ribbon cutting ceremonies and he's accepted". After the ceremony, V.P Cheney will be joining a select group from OTB&L officials for an inter-city deer hunt.
Observers, are rumored to have heard Mr. Bubonic mutter as he left the press conferenence.
"Today the Bridge, tommorrow, the Schools."

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