A 133 Year Tradition Lives On!
The Wisconsin state assembly voted to uphold Gov. Doyle's veto of the conceal and carry law. The vote was 64-34, a two-vote margin carried the victory. I'd hear the story on Wisconsin Public Radio at 5 PM and the bill's author, Rep. Scott Gunderson (R-Waterford), called the vote "pure politics" and said the bill was a package that a majority of residents would support. He said he expected that those working for the bill would hold lawmakers accountable for their votes at election time.
I love that phrase "pure politics!" Let's see, every Republican senator and assemblyman in the state of Wsiconsin voted in favor of a bill that would repeal a law that his been on the state books for 133 years. Was it so obvious that this was a nonsense law that obviously needed to be gotten rid of? You don't suppose the one-issue gun lobby and the NRA-threats pertaining to Republicans opposing the bill had anything to do with a unanimous Republican yes vote? I believe President Bush, in his state of the union speech tonight, said the violent crime rate in the US has dropped to its lowest point in over 30 years.
Read more: Journal Sentinal, Capital Times, Sheboygan Press
As the other side would say, "don't confuse issues with the facts". This is all about politics.