
Overview of Education System In Finland

Per the discussion on ABC's 20/20 program "Stupid In America" reported by John Stossel, I ran across an interesting overivew of the Finish school system and how it is run. The overview provides good insight into how this system opperates under democratic socialism.

Here are a few interesing points:

1. Majority of education publicly funded
2. Two-tiered public funding: the State and the local authorities

It's becomes interesting quickly when you have the anti-public education people like those at the ontheborderline.net quacking about how Finland out perfroms the US in math and science testing. Stossel gave the same test to a class in Finland and New Jersey and the Fins did better.

I'm sure we won't be hearing the OTBL'ers starting a back-to-Finland movement (although the Fins are big into hot tubs). If they do start moving over there, I'm sure they'll be back here in a heartbeat where the taxes are much lower.

Overview of the Finish education system.

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