
Governor Doyle Announces Wisconsin Makes Economic Honor Roll in National Study

Here's one the ontheborderline.net slog site won't be telling you about...

Wisconsin ranks right there with TABOR-Hell, aka Colorado

Governor Jim Doyle today announced that Wisconsin was one of only seven states to make the economic honor roll in the annual report card of the states compiled by the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), a national economic development organization.

"My Grow Wisconsin plan outlined initiatives to promote economic growth, such as balancing our state's budgets without raising taxes and investing in education and economic development," Governor Doyle said. "In the study, Wisconsin earned an A for economic performance, showing that our diverse economy is creating good jobs of our citizens, and our strategic economic polices are providing the business climate necessary to fuel economic growth."

In addition to earning an A for economic performance, Wisconsin also earned a B in business vitality and a B in development capacity. The Economic Performance index includes measures such as earnings and job quality, equity, and quality of life. The Business Vitality index measures variables such as entrepreneurial energy and the competitiveness of existing businesses. And the Development Capacity index measures human resources, financial resources, infrastructure, and innovation resources.

"We are starting more businesses in Wisconsin, and our businesses are competing successfully for markets both here and around the world," Governor Doyle added.

The CFED is a private, non-profit economic development organization with offices in Washington, DC, San Francisco, California and Durham, North Carolina. Since 1979, the CFED has prepared an indented Economic Development Report Card of the States.

Read more: Complete CFED report

See who made the honor roll: CFED HONOR ROLL

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