
Q1: How Many Wing Nuts Does It Take To Make A Case?

1 comment:

  1. You are wrong about Luke, he's not nuts. Some of his other personalities are, but not him. He might be a hopeless alcoholic and eat way too much sweats, but he's not nuts. That Carnac thing that he does on our blog site -- OTBL, as you call it over here -- is not really him. It's John Carson. Luke only dresses up in women's clothes for fun. What he does in the privacy of his own home is his own business. He pays enough taxes. Please don't pick on Luke. He's a 40 year old trapped with an 8th grader's brain and I don't mean any insults to 8th graders. Unless that are educated at government schools. So please don't pick on Luke. He would never pick on anybody. Although he does like to catch flies in study hall and tie them to a piece of hair and watch them fly around like a mini u-control airplane.
