
Karl's Secret Plan

Karl reveal's his secret GOP strategy to raise their poll numbers. I guess Karl was to busy searching for his "Get out of Jail Free Card" to pay attention this fall's election results. I don't know what excuse infamous OTBL admin had, A few too many Blogger Lagers maybe.
Dr. Amin. Phd. says,"With any type, and I mean any type, of recovery in the polls of the GOP nationally, there will be no way possible for the Dems to take back control of Congress."
Too many Blogger Lagers Dr. Admin.

How else could you explain someone believing that the GOP is going to retain control of Congress in 2006. Let's see, a tumbling housing market, thousands of layoffs from corporations seeking bankruptcy protection recently denied to individuals, skyrocketing healthcare costs, millions with inadaquate or no health insurance, stagnant or reduced wages, thousands of Katrina hurricane vitims planning to receive assistance from Halliburton as they "employ" (abuse would be more accurate) illegal Mexican immigrants, and an unpopular war begun with faulty intelligence. And that's the short list. I don't know why anyone
would want to change the course of the country amidst so much success?
Dr. Phil has a message for OTBL Admin.


  1. I think you are a socialist commie who doesn't need to up their dosage. You alread had to much. If you was only a bettin man.

  2. I think he's a little mixed up. He probably wants to be Gus Hall, the perennial American Communist Part Candidate for President.

  3. I know a guy whose dad use to make him go to Communist Party meetings where Gus Hall was a member. He chuckles at the phrase "flaming Commie." He said attending those meeting were among the most boring two-hour time periods in his life. He said it was a bunch of old guys sitting around and talking about the glory days of the 1930s.

    Gee, that sounds like the OTBL bloggers -- except their "glory days" stretch backwards from when the Progressive Movement started to get traction in the early decades of the 1900s. Maybe I should mention the OTBL site to him. He did mention he was having trouble sleeping at night...

  4. Karl Said "except their "glory days" stretch backwards from when the Progressive Movement started to get traction in the early decades of the 1900s."

    Karl, since you've been dead for a while you probably remember the early 1900's.
    But the real "glory days" for OTBL was closer to 1776. Nobody remembers what those days were really like so OTBL can glorify them into a Utopian era.
