
Ontheborderline "Think Tank"

OTBL blogger "Comic" studying up for his next


  1. You people think you are so smart at above the borderline. I suppose this picture is supposed to mean something. I just don't get it. My wife Luke takes this very serious. I is a true patriot. They kind you will never be. Why don't you grow up and get a real job? Since you probably belong to a collectivist union, I suggest you get two jobs. You need them to make up for the wages you are going to lose to outsourcing. While you are at it, get a stupid paper route -- who reads anyway, with FOX News -- so you can get you and five ex-liberal, ex-flower children wife so health care! You people have no class. See that proves you are a bunch of Commies! Weren't they all about a classless society. I'll have to ask my wife Luke about that. Piss off! You smell more than any of us skunks on the borderline.

  2. Yo Mr. Luke:

    Get a life. It's a joke. Don't you know canned humor when you see it?


  3. Doh, as in as, Dumb Offal Homer, Luke's husband is right to complain about this junior high humor. Obviously, you are a product of the public, government schools. I know that because there no such thing as a private junior high.

  4. Dr. B...what gives you the right to give me the turd degree?
