I was reading a current post at the OTBL site titled The America I Saw Today that was about the protest in Hudson Friday, November 11 at the funeral of Specialist Ben Smith who was killed in Iraq. From reading the post and the comments added, I got the impression that some local, anti-war group was staging the protest. From the comments to the post, it appears some of the OTBL'ers thought the same thing.
Since they mentioned the Twin Cities media covered the event, I did a little research. On the KARE 11 website, I found a story on the Hudson funeral protest. The "Christian" group doing the protesting was from the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. According to KARE 11, "the group has taken to protesting outside funerals of soldiers killed by bombs in Iraq. Their message - soldiers' deaths in Iraq are a punishment from God."
This group doesn't just hate American soldiers, it also hates gays, Jews, Blacks and most Christians -- unless you happen to belong to their church. The group maintains a web site call www.godhatesfags.com. I found the following site run by the Anti-Defamation League that tracks the activities of this group. The ADL figths bigotry.
Here are a taste of the quotes attributed to the Godhatesfags site:
On America:
"The reason for the violence that has been erupting in the United States of America in recent years is that GOD HATES AMERICA."
On gays:
"The only true Nazis in this world are fags. They want to force you by law to support their filth, and they want to shut you up by law when they hate what you say. They would be perfectly happy to make it a crime to preach that 'God hates fags' under the guise of 'hate speech legislation.' "
On Jews:
"Fag Jew Nazis are worse than ordinary Nazis. They've had more experience. Jews stirred up the Romans to butcher 6 million Christians in the catacombs in the 1st century. The First Holocaust was a Jewish Holocaust against Christians. The latest Holocaust is by Topeka Jews against WBC..."
On Christians:
"Methodist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, Northern and Southern Baptist, Church of Christ, Assembly of God, etc. have all departed from God. Most well-known preachers (Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, etc.) have departed from God, and disassociated themselves with pure Gospel preaching."
Obviously, there are many sick bastards slithering across this country. It's too bad they had to come to Hudson, Wisconsin on a very sad day and bring the additional tears and pain that accompanies their brand of hatred, bigorty and intolerance. However, as much as we hate to see this hatred and bigotry on display, it is important to make sure groups like the Westboro Baptist Church have the right to protest. Otherwise, their evilness will only fester underground and take people by surprise in the dark of night.
The family of Ben Smith should take this protest personally, as should the people of the community and this nation. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Smith family. Our hope is for an America where someday the type of hatred and ignorance displayed by the Westboro Baptist Community disappears.
Point of Information:
Adding his comment to the above mentioned OTBL post, Conn wrote "Too bad there were not 20 Harley guys instead of 1. I must give kudos to the media jackels however…after the initial story on “I hate white folks” channel 5, there was not a single mention of the human debri protesters after the Garage Logic Mayor took them to task. "
Does anybody know what Dr. Conn means by the "I hate white folks" comment?
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