This was turned over to us by Barney the OTBL CSI private investigator. He said he found it on the ground outside of an undentified hot tub at an unidentified bloggers house. He said the reason he was anywhere near the hot tub was because he was guarding the outhouse at the OTBL's private compound, Kamp Nudenick.
Yesterday I promised to do a post on How to Encourage "Group Think". (See: Illusion of Intellectuality) Though it may be much too late for this group (See: New Richmond Community School Input Meeting Evacuated After Skunks From Hudson Arrive With Tails Up!). Maybe they can use these the next we demonstrated that nuts like us don't fall far from the fruit cake. Anyway, I got delayed yesterday, because I was having my scent glands recharged. So here they are:
The group should be hidden from the causes and consequences of group think. This allows the idiocy of the head string-pullers to reverberate down to the brainless puppets doing the OTBL clown dance.
The leader is all powerful, makes all the decisions and tells the group what Ayn Rand and Ludwig von Mises quotes will be allowed in OTBL posts. This practice will be especially effective in encouraging members to wear duct tape over their mouth at school board meetings.
The leader should give high priority to calling anyone who disagrees with him a socialist, collectivist, Marxist punk and should make it known that criticism ain't allowed.
The Admin on the OTBL blog site will regularly make posts welcoming new visitors and telling them what a swell bunch of open-minded intellectuals we are...with appropriately confusing footnotes as to just what the hell he means by "open-minded" and "lewd and vulgar."
Groups should only consider alternatives offered up by the leader who plays the definitive role of the devil's hemorrhoid and directs the trashing of anybody disagreeing with the leader's line of thought. If in doubt, check the John Birch Society web site for further instructions.
It is never useful to divide the group into two separate deliberative bodies. That's why we kicked Dratsum of the blog site.
Ignore all warning signals from rival groups and organizations and continue to expand you clownish image of being an anti-community, anti-education, anti-tax, anti-union, Founding-Father boot licker.
Consensus on a decision is demanded. Any residual doubts should be kept to yourself -- if you know what's good for you.
Outside objective experts should be barred from vital decision making.
Tentative decisions are the stuff of liberals and RINOs like Kitty and Sheila and should be ignored in the decision-making group and never discussed at our blogger hot tub parties.
The organization should routinely follow the administrative practice of doing whatever Dr. Bill says and learn to master the copy-n-paste computer function so they can post the neo-con talking points from other mindless right-wing nut bloggers who also like to call themselves intellectuals.
There you have it. Most of these items here I know the Hudson School Board is too smart to follow. I would bet that New Richmond is the same -- otherwise they would have served Kool-Aid at the Input meeting.
Always remember, when your friends, neighbors and community members tell you that you are up to your ankles in bullshit, quickly blurt out this phrase: "At least I'm in it head first!"
Click here for a satirical version of this post.
Sometimes even "intellectuals" copy once and paste twice. For example:
On the off chance the "intellectual"
in question finds his error and corrects it, Here is what appears at
ontheborderline.nut. As they say, you can very paste too much "correct" theory and you can never critize the goverment too much even if you repeat yourself,and you can never critize the goverment too much even if you repeat yourself,and you can never critize the goverment too much even if you repeat yourself...........................
Katrina, the last word…
Filed under: General --- junkyarddog @ 8:11 am
Along with many of you, I have read numerous articles taking various positions on the whole Hurricane Katriana catastrophe, but none as conceptually adroit as this speech given by by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr,. (Given Oct 7 at Auburn, Alabama). Even if your interest is only superficial, you need to read this printed version of the speech.
Some notable quotes:
"Congress can allocate a trillion dollars to fix every levee, fully preventing the last catastrophe, but not the next one. The real problem is the same in all these cases, not insufficient resources but public ownership and management."
"The government cannot actually do what it promises, and there is a way in which we can only be thankful for that. It cannot succeed in managing a central plan. Its plans will always fail. The government tries to use its failures as an excuse for more power, but with every failure comes a substantial degree of public humiliation for the public sector, and that humiliation can provide a basis for the undoing of government authority."
"The government cannot actually do what it promises, and there is a way in which we can only be thankful for that. It cannot succeed in managing a central plan. Its plans will always fail. The government tries to use its failures as an excuse for more power, but with every failure comes a substantial degree of public humiliation for the public sector, and that humiliation can provide a basis for the undoing of government authority."
"Some people say that a loss of government authority will mean the breakdown of civilization. Actually it will create the preconditions for the reestablishment of civilization, and in a state of freedom that can happen very quickly. The aftermath of Katrina illustrated in a million individual acts of charity and enterprise that people can manage their affairs, even amidst the chaos."