
Conspiracies Have To Start Somewhere -- Maybe Delay Started His Own?

It's interesting to hear how the AM talk radio shows spin matters of potential corruption, as in what Republican Representative Tom DeLay is facing. Of course the right-wingers linke Tony Snow, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh are surfing on the vast Democratic/liberal/left-wing conspiracy wave. The lefties on the Air American talk shows are pointing numerous sandburrs stuck to Delay's political tails as evidence of his problems. I think the right-wing talkers figure that all they have to do is keep hammering away with their message of conspiracy and their loyal listeners will swallow their verbal Kool-Aid and parrott their conspiracy spin.

Maybe right-wingers should checkout what serious conservative voices have to say about Delay. The conservative Manchester Union-Leader/New Hampshire Sunday News editorialized today that former Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is bad for the Republican party and must leave office. If you are not familiar with the Union-Leader, it has the reputation of being one of the most conservative daily newspaper voices in the nation.

They argue that whether or not the indictment has merit, DeLay's argument that Earle is playing politics simply doesn't pass muster. "If DeLay is right that the indictment was politically motivated, then he has finally received a taste of his own medicine," the editors write. "DeLay has used his position to crush Democrats at every conceivable opportunity, and he has overstepped ethical bounds to do so. DeLay wields power for one purpose: to enrich and empower himself and his allies."

The paper describes DeLay as "an embarassment as Majority Leader," and say that, since House rules have forced the indicted DeLay from leadership, the GOP has a rare opportunity to replace him with someone "more concerned with passing good laws than humiliating his political opponents."

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