
Above The Border Line Is Back -- Sorry we missed you

Participatory Democracy v. Lynch-mob Hypocrisy

Are you fighting for this kind of freedom,

and practicing this kind of freedom?

It sadden us here at Above The Border Line, when we saw that our web site had been hacked into and taken over. Whoever did it has their reasons and we may someday find out who did it. Some say another group of local bloggers are the guilty party. To our competing local bloggers – who so staunchly and proudly battle for individual rights and personal freedom -- I would hope they would not stoop that low.

Of course we have -- and will continue to! -- challenged their versions of the world we live together in. That would comes with the territory on which we all tread. In a participatory democracy, a free ranging debate is part of the deal.

To make their points, our nieghborhood bloggers often quote our founding fathers. Do they think people like Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and the rest of the founders had no differences of opinions? Believe me, anything posted on this site pales in comparison to the debate and political wrangling that eventually led to the founders signing the names to the Declaration of Independence.

If our site was brought down because of what we said, it is a low day in the participatory democracy -- a major corner stone of our country. We do not have great internet/website skills here. We are babies learning to crawl. Whoever took us down had skills and a technological understanding much more advanced than ours? I believe they call it “cyber-bullying.” It is like the bully in the schoolyard who beats up the little kids. The bully is wrong in every way, but he has the power and strength to do the dirty deed.

One of the first postings on this site discussed faces and flags. Here's a repeat of those pictures:

It is the same evil use of power. Whether they wear white robes and burn crosses in the night or slip through the technical backdoor of the internet’s dark side and kill an innocent blog site, it is the same principle of evil – use your power to silence those you don't agree with. In short, it is lynch-mob hypocrisy.

Once again our blog site is in operation. Our goal is to spread the word that there is an outlet for alternative, open debate in the St. Croix Valley. All are welcome to join the discussion. Don’t hide you candle under a basket. Let the light of debate shine!

PS: You can freely comment to any post on this site. No one knows who you are, unless you supply your name. All post comments are e-mailed to the blog site mail box and show only the anonomous-blogger e-mail address for the Blogspot.com server.

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