
Please Help Me Understand the right?

Why do they scream for smaller government, less involvement, yet want to intervene in who gets married, privacy, and other personal issues?

Why do they want choice among schools yet do not want to open the doors to any child, they want competition yet they want the field to be slanted towards privatization. Tax dollars should equal each child but the private schools should have the right to not take a child with disabilities or child that is english language learner. I don't have a problem with school choice as long as the playing field is level.

They believe Public Education is a crime against all taxpayers, they are being forced to pay for public education, yet isn't it the same argument to state that I don't drive on certain roads so I shouldn't be forced to pay for the service to those roads, or due to the recent police controversy in Hudson I want to hire my own P.I. so my tax dollars shouldn't go to City Hall (I fully support our police department and what they did, this was just an analogy)!

I don't understand a group of people that can state they are 100% American yet be so cold, so brutally disrespectful to anybody that does not have the same view. Why so hateful towards educators...they had a choice to become educators and choose a different profession so be it!

These are just a few issues that I just don't understand...Right wing fundamentalists, help me to understand!


  1. AnonymousJuly 24, 2005

    What baffles me most about the malcontents at ONTHEBORDERLINE.COM is how miserly they are about government spending at the local level but entirely nonchalant about the federal government spending a quarter-trillion dollars for whatever the hell we're doing in Iraq. These "conservatives" have such inconsistent fiscal discipline that their moniker no longer seems apt; I prefer to call them nationalists.

  2. AnonymousJuly 24, 2005

    Concerning ONTHEBORDERLINE's emphasis and hyper-accountability on local spending and almost total silence on the federal fiscal picture of a rapidly expanding national debt, increased spending (bigger government) and reduced taxes, I believe the silence is because it's their team that is doing this. I've heard a few hints of displeasure OTBL, but Bush is their boy -- not matter how far off track his is straying for the neo-con blue print/Power Point presentation.

    Frequently I listen to On Point (Wisconsin Public Radio 88.3 Menomonie 6-8 PM M-F) and they address this very issue regularly. I've heard a couple of columnists and editors from the Weekly Standard (one of the neo-con idea launch pads) and they are very disappointed in the direction the Bush White House is going.

    I think it boils down to the fact that the cherished neo-con ideals are being abused in the House of Bush, but what happens in the House stays in the House. Maybe we need to start a shelter for battered neo-cons. It would be a safe haven where they could go and tell the truth about the abuse.

    If you noticed the OTBL'ers were bad mounthing Ms. Harsdorf and Roadhes. There were a couple of posts and comments calling them RINOs (Republican In Name Only). I see Dr. Bill posted a follow-up noting that they really do love them.

    It's not one big happy family ONTHEBORDERLINE.
