Anti-Christ Du Jour
"The body of the Antichrist is the Leopard. Nazism is the Leopard. Hitler will be the style of the Antichrist. Hitler used whatever was popular at the time to keep his movement going forward. Obama will use the same methods. Who else will be accepted by the Islamics, the Europeans, the United States, the Hindus, Russia, China. Rev.12&13 says the beast shall turn to attacking Christians. Satan can only be in one place at a time. U.S. is most known for Christians. The beast is seen coming up out of the ocean. Standing on U.S. shore and looking out, Obama rises from the sea, Hawaii."
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Where Have All They Flowers Gone?
“I read history books just like you do. None of these guys are immune to the laws of history. They’re going to go up or down, and they’re going to take their people with them. None of us really knew what was happening in the economy. It changed so quickly into a true nightmare of horror. In another day and age, heads would roll. That’s what would happen. The rot would be cut out. As far as blaming everything on the last president, think of it this way: The same folks who had held him in such him regard came to despise him. Isn’t it funny that they’re the very same people who once loved him? People are fickle. Their loyalty can turn at the drop of a hat.”
Bob Dylan
Rollingstone 5/14/2009
1964: Different Change, Same Thing
"...Goldwater's tone reflected the tenor of this ugliest of Republican conventions since 1912, as entrenched moderates faced off against conservative insurgents. In an era in which a national consensus seemed to have coalesced around advancing civil rights, containing Communism and expanding government, the moderates believed they had to win to preserve the Republican Party. The conservatives—who wanted to contain the role of the federal government and roll back Communism—believed they were saving not just the party but Western civilization.
The logy Mark Hopkins elevators gave the insurgents, flooding into town for what Goldwater biographer Robert Alan Goldberg called the "Woodstock of the right," at least two chances a day to bait Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, anchors of NBC's nightly newscast—and crypto-liberals, according to their harassers. "You know, these nighttime news shows sound to me like they're being broadcast from Moscow," one conservative observed to another on the way down, loud enough for the two newsmen to hear. Brinkley forbade his son, Alan, to show his NBC insignia, except to security.
The volume of right-wing rage at the media was novel at this Republican convention. Unprecedented, too, was the attention focused on the issue of television coverage. The convention was the first since CBS and NBC had expanded their nightly newscasts from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, and the first since the assassination and funeral of President John F. Kennedy redefined the bond between television and politics. In 1960, there were about as many journalists, both print and broadcast, as delegates. Four years later, broadcasters alone outnumbered delegates two to one..."
Rick Perlstein
Revolution From The Right
August 2008