
Mark Green's "The Book on Bush"

The Book on Bush:
"The Book on Bush is the first comprehensive critique of a president who is governing on a right wing and a prayer. In carefully documented and vivid detail, Eric Alterman and Mark Green, two of the leading progressive authors/advocates in the country, not only trace the guiding ideology that runs through a wide range of W's policies but also expose a presidential decision-making process that, rather than weighing facts to arrive at conclusions, begins with conclusions and then searches for supporting facts."

"Alterman and Green connect the dots of what's behind all the policies and prevarications. The Book on Bush reveals a president who, while determinedly uninformed, uncurious, and unyielding, is messianic in pursuing the goals of his three leading constituencies: the religious right, big business and neoconservatives. With few exceptions, the interests of these groups have been served so effectively that the result for America is nothing less than the attempted rolling back of the progressive gains of the past century."

Of course this in depth analysis is not to be confused with the yes man views of the other Mark Green, Candidate for Governor of Wisconsin.

Desperate St. Croix county Republican Campaign worker assures voters Mark Green stands with the President as they call local residents in their get out the vote campaign.
Our take is "Green is off the Mark".

Jerky Named Official Red State Breakfast

You don’t have to spend an entire day in the deer stand to enjoy the finest of Red State cuisine. Heck, you can roll right off the back porch cot into root cellar to sit down to a wholesome breakfast of beef jerky and stale beer. It’s a Red State tradition that Republican Congressmen want to make the official American “Breakfast of Champions”. Their promise, if re-elected, a ten-point trophy buck on every living room wall and a Jerky Congress still in control.

Remember, promote culture, Vote Republican.

This message paid for the Republican Red State Caucus for a Jerky America.

Approved by the Ministry of Red State Culture.


November Surprise For Sadaam and Voters!

"Given the Bush administration's history of timing national security-related actions to the political calendar, has the date for the verdict's release been set to provide maximum political benefit for the administration and congressional Republicans?"

"From a marketing point of view," said Andrew H. Card Jr., the White House chief of staff who is coordinating the effort, "you don't introduce new products in August."
See Story:

Paul R. Nelson (hockey dad ) Signs Jesus to Assistant Coaching Position

Details of the contract were not revealed. "Paul will be having a little "Talk with Me" about his campaign ads soon" Jesus said in a written statement.

Journalist Exposes Those Who Manipulate Science on Behalf of Special Interests

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--When scientific studies are released, most laypeople take the word of the “experts” for granted and assume that the supporting data is legitimate. But one science reporter discovered evidence that suggests there is an entire industry built around spinning science for the purpose of confusing the public while benefiting Big Business. In the 11th installment of Thirteen/WNET New York’s innovative weekly series, AIR: AMERICA’S INVESTIGATIVE REPORTS, an investigative reporter takes on the practice of tailoring and manipulating research to fit the needs of industry groups. Narrated by award-winning broadcast journalist Sylvia Chase, Science Fiction premieres Friday, November 10 at 10 p.m. (ET) on PBS (check local listings).

Learn more @ Business Wire.

Also read Junk Science & Bogus Studies.

Evangelical Support for War Slipping

Evangelical support for the war in Iraq has slipped sharply in the last month, according to a recent survey.

A study released last Thursday by the Pew Research Center for The People & the Press found roughly six in 10 white evangelical Republicans (58 percent) now feel it was the right decision to use force in Iraq. That figure, taken from polling in early to mid-October, compares to 71 percent in early September.

Further, white evangelicals are growing more open to the idea of establishing a timetable for removing troops from Iraq--46 percent now believe it is a good idea, compared to 32 percent in September.

Forty-eight percent of white Republican evangelicals now believe the war is going well, down from 61 percent in September. Barely half (51 percent) believe the war has helped fight terrorism, a 10-point drop from September.

Read more @ Ethics Daily.

Report Alleges Cover-Up of Pedophile by Baptist Church

A TV station in Jacksonville, Fla., reports that leaders in a prominent Baptist church in the city knew for years their former pastor was a pedophile, but covered it up for fear public knowledge would harm the church's ministry, shipping the minister to Germany where he served 10 years as a missionary, possibly with access to other children.

First Coast News carried segments Tuesday and Wednesday night with interviews of several alleged victims of Bob Gray, a former pastor of Trinity Baptist Church for 38 years charged with capital sex crimes against three girls and a boy, now adults. Since his arrest in May, more than 20 women have come forward to say they were molested as children by Gray.

Read more @ Ethics Daily.

Ted The Head Rev: "Judge Not For Ye Shall Be Judge"

Pastor Ted Haggard, head of the National Evangelical Association, says he bought meth from a gay escort, 49-year-old Michael Jones, after contacting him for a massage.

Haggard says he never used the meth and instead threw it away.

However, Haggard could not remember where he threw the meth away.

Click here for extended news story video.

Kittel Endorsed by Pioneer Press

The staunchly Republican Pioneer Press endorsed Democrat Kerry Kittel today over the Republican candidate for the 29th Assembly district seat:

State Assembly District 29 is a race for an open seat being vacated by one-term Republican Andy Lamb. Running for the seat are Republican John Murtha, a self-employed small business operator for 25 years, and Democrat Kerry Kittel, a high school government and U.S. history teacher.

Murtha stresses his experience running a business and experiencing first hand the impact of issues like health care costs and rising property taxes. He believes that to bring and keep well-paying jobs in the district, government should provide incentives and keep regulations in check. He's the chair of the Town of Eau Galle among other civic activities and a down-to-earth guy with a strong desire to serve the district.

Kittel got into the race because he doesn't think the representatives in the Assembly have shown leadership on the issues that matter to the district. His background makes education a priority for him, and Kittel emphasizes the need for the state to live up to its promise of two-thirds funding for education and to make the funding formula more equitable.

Kittel has good knowledge of actions taken — and not taken — in Madison on issues like health care and property tax reform. He wants to close tax loopholes for businesses, but understands that there needs to be a mixture of taxes. His emphasis is on fairness. He opposes the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

Murtha's approach has appeal, but we feel that Kittel has a better understanding of the issues and the workings of the legislative process. Kittel earns our endorsement in District 29.

[Even the Pioneer Press thinks Murtha should do his homework . . .]

Evangelical leader quits amid male escort's allegations

Top evangelical leader has admitted "some guilt," a church leader says

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (CNN) -- The president of the National Association of Evangelicals resigned Thursday after accusations by a male prostitute that the pastor paid him for sex over three years.

The Rev. Ted Haggard said he also is temporarily stepping aside from the pulpit of his church in Colorado Springs pending an internal investigation by the church.

The church official who temporarily has assumed Haggard's post said late Thursday that there has been "some admission of guilt," but not to all of the allegations. He did not give any more details.

In 2005, Time magazine put Haggard on its list of the 25 most influential evangelical leaders, noting his participation in a weekly conference call with White House staffers and other religious leaders.

Read more @ CNN.


Directions to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

“Do you know where you end up if you don’t study, if you aren’t smart, if you’re intellectually lazy?"

Paul R. Nelson Gets Mentioned In LA

Gross Exaggerations
Desperate, deceptive political ads make a dirty business even dirtier

I try to picture the meeting that cooked up the subliminally racist TV commercial linking black Democrat Senate contender Harold Ford Jr. with the now infamous winking blond floozy: What are these people like? My imagination conjures up images of not-quite Ann Coulters and smooth ex-frat boys, sniggering with glee when some researcher unearthed the story that, back in February 2005, Ford had attended a Super Bowl party hosted by Playboy. Hardly a scandal, but enough for these boys and girls of the Republican National Committee to work busily on the ad that could only appeal to the very worst in the Tennesseean psyche. When RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman was forced to pull the commercial – but only after it had been aired for free on every news channel and even YouTube – he immediately replaced it with another that claimed Ford “wants to give the abortion pill to schoolchildren.”

Up in Wisconsin, the campaign team of Republican congressional challenger Paul R. Nelson had even less reality to work with when it translated Dem incumbent Ron Kind’s vote to fund a sex study by the National Institutes of Health to a TV slogan: “Ron Kind Pays for Sex.” “XXX” was stamped across Kind’s face, and the visuals included stock newsreel footage of me-so-horny Asian hookers. Meanwhile, in New York, a staffer for Democratic House candidate Michael A. Arcuri misdialed the toll-free number for the State Division of Criminal Justice, and was connected to a phone-sex line instead. The National Republican Campaign Committee managed to build that into a TV commercial accusing Arcuri of using taxpayers’ dollars for phone sex while a soft-focus stripper undulated in the background. A later reality check revealed the misdial had cost taxpayers a whopping $1.25, but the ad had already aired, and whatever potential damage had been done.

Read more @ LA City Beat.

Kerry Lurches Forward With Apology To Troops

Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) issued two apologies for remarks that seemed to impugn U.S. troops and abandoned his public schedule yesterday, but he denounced what he called the "campaign of smear and fear" against him as the surreal sequel to the 2004 presidential election echoed across the campaign trail.

The White House and Republican allies orchestrated a cascade of denunciations throughout the day to keep the once and possibly future presidential candidate on the defensive and force other Democrats to distance themselves. Kerry canceled plans to appear with several candidates and returned home to avoid becoming "a distraction to these campaigns."

Proff the Republicans aren't the only ones that say stooopid shit.

RNC Recruits New Good Will Ambassador

Borat hits campaign trail for Republicans

I love Republikan Amerika! says Borat.
That's why the Republican National Committee has
hired Kazakhstan Ambassador Borat, to begin a whirlwind campaign tour to promote Republican Congressional candidates and their positions on education, immigration, healthcare, foreign policy and to promote their fight to increase poverty.
Asked why he support the GOP Borat repied,"Republikan polizies make Kazakhstan look better to rest of world."

GOP Anti-Education Salon to Open in Hudson

Experimental Proceedure Strenghtens "Uncommon Insight"

John Binkowski Takes On Both Big Money Parties

I just got through listening to the MPR debate with Wetterling, Bachmann and Binkowski.
Two of the candidates did the typical tap dancing around extrodinarly well formulated questioning by moderator Kerri Miller of MPR, and then there was John Binkowski, a witty, smart, intelligent candidate who has little chance of winning, but answered questions in amazingly straight forward , solution driven manner. Whether you're a Liberal or Conservative , you can't help but like this guy. Free of the baggage of the smutty ads his opponents and their repective national committees are running, he can legitimately slam them both as merchants of sleeze and do so without being nasty toward either in a personal way. Maybe it's time to give people like John a chance and end the senseless partisan bickering and start tackling some issues. When asked to choose one word to decribe his opponents, John replied, "lovely".

"Kitty" Mentioned In Foley Scandal

The Odor From Capitol Hill

It should be remembered that Speaker Dennis Hastert, now under fire in the Foley scandal, helped dampen any chance of in-House ethical controls in his failed attempt to save the career of former Majority Leader Tom DeLay, an Abramoff ally who is accused of political money laundering and is awaiting trial. The sight of the ossified ethics committee forced back to life by the Foley scandal is more pathetic than heartening. It’s small wonder that lawmakers feel empowered to make ethical stretches — like Representative ...Kitty.

Read more @ the New York Times.

Election 2006: Who Is Dan Gorman?

(Editor's note: In order to keep our readers informed up next Tuesday's Mid-Term election, we will be running a series of human interest stories about your local candidates. We hope that such information will help you be informed voters and make the best choices come November 7. All effort has been taken to ensure truthful reporting and an unbiased portrayal of the facts is presented in this series of hard hitting political exposes.)

Don Gorman, while building an auto salvage yard in Rapid City, dreamed of having a museum of collectible autos and motorcycles in which everything actually worked. That’s just what A&Ak Salvage has grown to become, with their help of his wife, Marsha and their sons, Dan and Mike. I’d heard about the place, so I drove over for a look on my last trip to the Hills.

Learn more about Dan Gorman.

Hudson Anti-Education Hopefuls Take Note

What City Pages Says about the new academy leader:

"Bachmann ...... became a prolific speaker and writer on the evils of public education in the years leading up to her failed school board run.

By all accounts, she made herself into a formidable presence. "She's articulate, attractive, and speaks passionately," says Mary Cecconi, who spent eight years on the Stillwater School Board. "Actually, she is ferocious.""


Democracy For Sale

Earlier this evening Ludwig Von Rand ( no relation) posted the following:
"Let it start here, I advocate that we privatize electect government. No more costly elections. We bid on our representatives. The entity with the most cash gets the vote. The money goes to reduce taxes. We all live happily ever after ." (spelling mistakes unaltered in the interest of accuracy)

I'll be honest, I've read things on this blog and @ OTBL that I never thought anyone could be serious about. But they are. Maybe this is a spoof? Maybe, it's for real.
I think it's the stupidest idea ever. But that's just me.

Wisconsin: Despite What Republicans Think, Cheeseheads Ain't That Stooopid

Original cartoons compliments of Hudson native Fat Jon @

Wisconsin GOP manipulations may backfire in election

By Joel McNally
It's beginning to look as if Wisconsin Republicans outfoxed themselves.

Instead of passing laws to improve our lives in Wisconsin, state Republicans spent an inordinate amount of time in the last legislative session trying to manipulate this year's gubernatorial election.

The plan was to stir up ugly feelings among the electorate by putting as many raw meat, right-wing political issues on the November ballot as possible.

That's why we're voting Nov. 7 not only for governor, but also on whether to amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage and anything remotely resembling marriage among unmarried couples, gay or straight, and whether to restore capital punishment, outlawed for 150 years.

By pumping up voter hatred of gay people and blood lust for the death penalty, Republicans hoped to turn out many more voters who are ready to vote against Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle as well.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the polls.

Read more @ Capital Times.

Thank Godless For Ann Clouter

"Most public schools are - at best - nothing but expensive babysitting arrangements, helpfully keeping hoodlums off the streets during daylight hours. At worst they are criminal training labs, where teachers sexually abuse the children between drinking binges and acts of grand larceny."
Ann Clouter

See Clouter set the record straight on FOX News.

Nixon: A Cut-n-Run Republican

Check out the Livingroom Candidate website. There's some interesting commericals concerning the fail policy in Vietnam of a certain Democratic administration and the new for a new direction. Sound familar?

Nixon a cut-n-run Republican.

The 1972 presidential election had some interesting commercials too. It's interesting how times my change, but the messages remain the same.

Kerry Attacks Chicken Hawks

Watch the Video

"I'm sick and tired of these despicable Republican attacks that always seem to come from those who never can be found to serve in war, but love to attack those who did."

See more original cartoons by Fat Jon @ oggtoons.

YoYo Economics a Poor Disguise for Class Warfare

by Dave Wheelock

A look at last week's U.S. Census Bureau report on income, poverty, and health insurance coverage shows the Orwellian nature of what is becoming known as the Republican's YOYO - "you're on your own" - economics.

The report shows that in the last year the median income for American households fell by $275, part of a trend that since 2001 has seen family incomes fall by an average of $2,000. In the past year under this Republican administration the number of our citizens who have no health insurance has grown by 1.3 million to 46.6 million, or 15.9 percent of the population. In this, the world's biggest economy, whose gross domestic product rose at a 3.2 percent rate last year to the loud huzzahs of the Bush loyalists, 12.5 percent, or one in eight citizens, lives in poverty.

Read more @ OpEdNews.

Major Themes In Intensifying Class Warefare

1.Ownership Society
2. The Social Security “Crisis”
3. Global Imposition of Freedom—Cover for Global Class Warfare

Read more @ ZMag.

Budgeting for Poverty

The federal government says a family of four making $18,810 a year is living in poverty. But how far does $18,810 go in America today? How do you budget? What do you leave out? You make the hard choices.

For the answers, take a video tour.

Things OTBL Bloggers Won't Tell You

Duct tape proves to be the best wart remedy

Pioneer Press

The Duct Tape Guys — and maybe your grandma — have been touting the benefits of tape as a wart remover for years. Well, it doesn't seem so far-fetched now.

A soon-to-be-published study conducted at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Minneapolis provides confirmation duct tape works just as well as over-the-counter therapies. Other research found duct tape worked better than traditional wart removers or placebos. "It's the universal panacea," says Tim Nyberg, half of the Duct Tape Guys duo.

Dr. Rachel Wenner used a mere $5,000 from the Minnesota Medical Foundation to compare Dr. Scholl's and 3M's transparent duct tape. The study will be published in a coming issue of Archives of Dermatology.

There are a variety of cures for warts, from self-help gels and pads to medical procedures like cryotherapy, or freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen. The familiar all-purpose household tape has been used as a home remedy for half a century.

After spending thousands of dollars on wart therapy, Paulo P. found a cheap roll of Duck Tape® did the trick. He sent his story to the Duct Tape Guys Web site.

Read more @ Pioneer Press.

Things OTBL Bloggers Won't Tell You: Part 2

If you're not quite sure what to be for Halloween or you want to save some dough, but don't know how to sew, use duct tape. Duck brand duct tape has designed a span of 20 colors and patterns ($2-$5). Having trouble picturing a costume made of duct tape?

Try the Duct Tape Guys' "The Original Duct Tape Halloween Book" ($8.95) featuring 1,000 crazy ideas. Example: rolling in fresh-cut grass wearing duct tape sticky side out. The end result: a life-sized Chia Pet.

Enter your original design by Nov. 7 to Henkel Consumer Adhesives Inc. costume contest at www.ducktapeclub.com.

Dick Armey: Where Republicans went wrong

Somewhere along the road to a “permanent majority,” the Republican Revolution of 1994 went off track. For several years, we had confidence in our convictions and trusted that the American people would reward our efforts. And they did.

But today, my Republican friends in Congress stand on the precipice of an electoral rout. Even the best-case scenarios suggest wafer-thin majorities and a legislative agenda in disarray. With eight days before the election, House speaker-in-waiting Nancy Pelosi has already begun her transition planning.

Where did the revolution go astray? How did we go from the big ideas and vision of 1994 to the cheap political point-scoring on meaningless wedge issues of today — from passing welfare reform and limited government to banning horsemeat and same-sex marriage?

The answer is simple: Republican lawmakers forgot the party’s principles, became enamored with power and position, and began putting politics over policy. Now, the Democrats are reaping the rewards of our neglect — and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Read more @ Manchester Union Leader.

Poll: Majority believes government doing too much

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A quarter century after the Reagan revolution and a dozen years after Republicans vaulted into control of Congress, a new CNN poll finds most Americans still agree with the bedrock conservative premise that, as the Gipper put it, "government is not the answer to our problems -- government is the problem."

The poll released Friday also showed that an overwhelming majority of Americans perceive, correctly, that the size and cost of government have gone up in the past four years, when Republicans have had a grip on the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House.

Discretionary spending grew from $649 billion in fiscal year 2001 to $968 billion in fiscal year 2005, an increase of $319 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Queried about their views on the role of government, 54 percent of the 1,013 adults polled said they thought it was trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses. Only 37 percent said they thought the government should do more to solve the country's problems.

Read more @CNN.

David Eisenberg of the John Birch Society provides commentary on the CNN study:

A new CNN poll found that 54 percent of Americans believe that government is trying to do too many things, as compared to 37 percent who believe that government should do more. The poll also found that most Americans recognized that the government has continued to grow during a period when the Republican Party — the supposedly conservative party — has controlled both houses of Congress as well as the White House. "When asked if the size of the federal government has increased in the past four years, 72 percent said it had, and 86 percent said they thought federal spending had gone up during the same period," CNN reported on October 27.

Yet we continue to send representatives to Washington — both Republicans and Democrats — who vote for the big-spending programs that most of us apparently oppose. Politicians do not promise high taxes and big government on the campaign trail, but more often than not that's what they deliver when they get to Washington. The big-spending politicians are able to say one thing and do something else because too few voters back home pay attention to their actual voting records. If sufficient numbers of voters did pay attention, and then applied informed pressure on their elected representatives in Washington, the gap between rhetoric and record would soon disappear.

CNN acknowledged that "in recent months a growing number of conservatives have been complaining out loud about increases in the scope and cost of government, despite the GOP's grip on all the levers of power." CNN quoted Republican Rep. Mike Pence (Ind.), reputedly a conservative, saying, "I believe that as a movement, we have veered off course into dangerous and uncharted waters of big government Republicanism." Pence, CNN reported, is "chairman of the House Republican Study Committee, a 110-member caucus that supports limited government and lower taxes."

Read more @ The John Birch Society.

Pararnormal investigators verify OTBL "Not Normal"

Independent paranormal investigators Bull-Busters of Martel, WI released the findings on their query into the online Non-Funhouse commonly referred to as Ontheborderline.nut. Using the latest in Junk Science technology, Bull-Busters discovered readings as high as 9.8 - 24 Giga-Zietos, an unprecedented un-normal reading. Ontheborderline junkscience editor Dr. Bil Max Donttreadonme was quoted as saying. "We believe the most casual observer could discern, even without all this Junk Science technology, that the Ontheborderline bloggers possess and uncanny and uncommon insight into to geopolitical and socio-economics machinations of the present day blogoshere."
Spokespersons for Bull-Busters when asked to comment on the OTBL assertion simply repled.
"We stand by our findings"


Driving Wages Down - It's Good For Business

This is the only war the Bush Administration is waging successfully:

The War on Wages: What's not in YOUR Wallet?
"So what’s keeping paychecks down? Major employers like Wal-Mart have decided that their interests are best served by treating workers as a disposable commodity, paid as little as possible and encouraged to leave after a year or two. And these employers don’t worry that angry workers will respond to their war on wages by forming unions, because they know that government officials, who are supposed to protect workers’ rights, will do everything they can to come down on the side of the wage-cutters."

But wages are only one front on the Republican battle against the middle class. The other is TAXES.

"Since 2001, President Bush's tax cuts have shifted federal tax payments from the richest Americans to a wide swath of middle-class families......"

"The CBO study, ......... found that the wealthiest 20 percent, whose incomes averaged $182,700 in 2001, saw their share of federal taxes drop from 64.4 percent of total tax payments in 2001 to 63.5 percent this year. The top 1 percent, earning $1.1 million, saw their share fall to 20.1 percent of the total, from 22.2 percent."

Enjoying all that extra money from YOUR tax cut?????

"Over tht same period, taxpayers with incomes from around $51,500 to around $75,600 saw their share of federal tax payments increase. Households earning around $75,600 saw their tax burden jump the most, from 18.7 percent of all taxes to 19.5 percent.

The analysis, requested in May by congressional Democrats, echoes similar studies by think tanks and Democratic activist groups. But the conclusions have heightened significance because of their source, a nonpartisan government agency headed by a former senior economist from the Bush White House, Douglas Holtz-Eakin. The study will likely stoke an already burning debate about the fairness and efficacy of $1.7 trillion in tax cuts that the president pushed through Congress."

If you should accidently find your finger straying toward pushing the botton for a Republican candidate in the coming election, just think of your own wallet, and all the prosperity YOU'VE
gained in the last six years. Then Vote.....accordingly!


Value Voters Alert !!!!!!

There's not enough web space available for all the scandals.

Here's a short list.

Jeff Gannon Partisan blogger with no journalism credentials and a fake name who got invited to Bush's Press conferences. Is also a pimp and a gay prostitute.

Bob Barr, Republican Congressman from Georgia. Sponsored the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act, saying "The flames of hedonism, the flames of narcissism, the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very foundation of our society, the family unit." Was married three times. Paid for his second wife's abortion. Failed to pay child support to the children of his first two wives and while married to his third and present wife was photographed licking whipped cream off of strippers at his inaugural party.

Merrill Robert Barter, Republican County Commissioner, pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.

Jim Bunn Congressman of Oregon: With his success due in great part to support from the Christian Coalition, Bunn won his congressional seat, then immediately ditched his wife (and mother of his five children), married a staffer, and put his new wife on the state payroll for the unheard-of salary of $97,500.

Randy Cunningham: Federal prosecutors are investigating allegations that Congressman and confessed-felon 'Duke' Cunningham was periodically supplied with prositutes.[6] Cunningham pled guilty to corruption charges, and is currently serving jail-time.

Paul Crouch Televangelist, Former President of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Paid $425,000 in hush money in an attempt to cover up a gay affair.

Ed Schrock, two-term Republican Congressman from Virginia, with a 92% approval rating from the Christian Coalition. Cosponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, consistently opposed gay rights. Married, with wife and kids. Withdrew his candidacy for a third term after tapes of him soliciting for gay sex were circulated.

Brian J. Doyle, Deputy Press Secretary for U.S. Department of Homeland Security. On March 12, 2006, Doyle contacted a 14-year-old girl whose profile was posted on the Internet, and initiated a sexually explicit conversation with her. The girl was actually an undercover Polk County Sheriff s Computer Crimes detective. Doyle knew that the girl was 14 years old, and he told her who he was and that he worked for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. During future online chats, Doyle gave the undercover detective posing as a 14-year-old girl his office phone number and his government-issued cell phone number, so that they could have telephone conversations, in addition to their online chatting. Doyle used the Internet to send hard-core pornographic movie clips to the girl and used the AOL Instant Messenger chat service to have explicit sexual conversations with her.

Find more here: