
October Is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

"Domestic violence has no place in our society, and we have a moral obligation to help prevent it. The terrible tragedies that result from it destroy lives and insult the dignity of women, men, and children. National Domestic Violence Awareness Month is an opportunity to underscore our commitment to bringing an end to violence in the home.

A home should be a place of stability, comfort, and love. Domestic violence shatters this important foundation. My Administration is strongly committed to addressing domestic violence and helping those who have been victimized. In January, I was proud to sign legislation reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. Since I announced the Family Justice Center Initiative in 2003, we have opened 11 Family Justice Centers across the country. These centers offer services to victims and their families, including legal advice, counseling, and support. In addition, we are continuing to work with faith-based and community organizations to provide training, expertise, and funding to help deliver hope and healing to those who need it most."

Read more from a proclamation by the President of the United States of America.

A Conn Job at ontheborderline.net: "Guns Save Lives"

There's are interesting post over at www.ontheborderline.net that is an excellent example of the NRA indoctrination and propaganda that pops up just before an election. Notice the words "democrat" and "liberal" used to describe a 15-year old involved in the school shooting in Cazenovia, Wisconsin yesterday. Since OTBL's Conn is puking out the whole Republican campaign strategy, he might as well have called the kid a "partial birth abortionist" and a "cut and runner."

For your enlightenment, here's Conn's entire post:

"Two recent stories involving lack of firearms really caught my eye. That unfortunate couple in MN who prepared for almost every scenario involving her wacky ex (restraining orders, alarms, disaster drills, calling the police when restraining order violated) who broke in and killed them, if only they would have purchased and trained with a gun!

Today's school shooting in Sauk CO is another example, a heroic janitor saw and restrained and disarmed the 15 year old democrat of a shotgun, the liberal broke away and produced a concealed pistol…too bad the principal and the janitor did not also.

Restraining orders and the police can’t protect you. Only you can do that. Have a nice day, conn."

For an interesting counter perspective to the gun lobby, check out Good Bye Guns.

Responsible Gun Ownership --

Weston School principal killed, student charged with homicide
By Bill Novak, Lee Sensenbrenner, David Callender and Anita Weier

CAZENOVIA, Wis. - A rural principal has died after being shot at school by a student. Lisa Brunette, spokeswoman for UW Hospital said in a news release that Weston School Principal John Klang died at about 3:30 p.m. after a team of surgeons unsuccessfully tried to save him from gunshots to the head and chest.

The Associated Press reported that 15-year-old Eric Hainstock, has been charged with first-degree intentional homicide, according to Sauk County District Attorney Patricia Barrett.

Klang was shot at about 8 a.m. after Hainstock allegedly came into school with a shotgun and a handgun.

Read more @ Capital Times.

"Had there been someone who was armed, in this particular situation, in my opinion, it may have stabilized.... I believe it supports conceal-and-carry."

Jesse Ventura
On the Columbine shooting

Click Here For Columbine Cafeteria Security Video

"A gun is a tool, Marian. No better, no worse than any other tool. An axe, a shovel, or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that."

Played by Alan Ladd, in the movie Shane (1953).

Real Bug in Ear Almost Tackles Star High School Football Player

No Joke, Bug Nearly Sidelined Somerset High School's 'Beetle Juice'

Sept. 28, 2006 — The next time someone puts a bug in your ear about a high school football star worth watching, tell them about Jake Asp. The senior from Somerset High School in Wisconsin actually had a bug in his ear, and it almost cost him part of his season.

Asp, a 6-foot-1, 205-pound fullback, set a Middle Border Conference record on Sept. 15 by rushing for 362 yards. He carried 33 times and scored five touchdowns in a 40-14 win against New Richmond. The local paper, the New Richmond News, called him "unstoppable."

Read more @ ABC News

Their (OTBL) View for the Future of Public Schools

"Of the many school referendums across Minnesota this fall, none may have more at stake than the one in the Park Rapids School District. Officials there say if the referendum fails, they'll be forced to eliminate all extra activities, including sports, fine arts, even the National Honor Society.
Park Rapids would be the first district in the state to take such a drastic step."

"Park Rapids, Minn. — Football is big in Park Rapids. On a crisp Friday evening, the bleachers are packed for the Panther's home opener."

"Most in the crowd are well aware that next year, there may not be any high school football. No sports at all. No high school plays. No band or choir concerts. No speech or debate competitions. Retired teacher Walt Harrison says people in the community are starting to realize that, you know, this is very serious," said Harrison. "And there's just no other places to cut, really.""

Listen to Full Report from MPR:

Quotes to Ponder: Thomas Paine

"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates his duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."

-- Thomas Paine(1737-1809)
Source: Dissertation on First Principles of Government, 7 July 1795


STRONG On Defense & Security

See more original toons @ PO'd Toons.

War Is Nuts!

Local Nuts Exposed On New Borderline Blog.

Many Americans look for political manipulation as gasoline prices plunge

By Brad Foss
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — There is no mystery or manipulation behind the recent fall in gasoline prices, analysts say. Try telling that to many. motorists.
Almost half of Americans believe the plunge at the pump has more to do with politics and the November elections, than economics.

Retired farmer Jim Mohr of Lexington, Ill., rattled off a tankful of reasons why pump prices may be falling, including the end of the summer travel season and the fact that no major hurricanes have disrupted Gulf of Mexico output.

"But I think the big important reason is Republicans want to get elected," Mohr, 66, said while filling up for $2.17 a gallon. "They think getting the prices down is going to help get some more incumbents re-elected."

According to a new Gallup poll, 42% of respondents agreed with the statement that the Bush administration "deliberately manipulated the price of gasoline so that it would decrease before this fall's elections." Fifty-three percent of those surveyed did not believe the conspiracy theory; 5% said they had no opinion.

Not surprising, almost two-thirds of those who suspect President Bush intervened to bring down energy prices before Election Day are registered Democrats, according to Gallup.

Read more @ USA Today.

We'll Return to Our Regular Program After This Brief Commercial Message

You're a discriminating consumer and publisher of internet bloggery. You're smart, well informed, and dog-gone-it, people still don't like you.
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OTBL advertising?

hahaha Wow.

I seriously have been out of the loop for awhile. When did OTBL start running ads on their site?

hahaha that is too funny


#1 Progressive Radio Talk Show Host Coming to the St. Croix Valley!!!

Mark Your Calendars For Oct. 8
Big Ed Progressive Festival @ Coachman in Baldwin 1-5 PM
Dinner With Big Ed @ Hudson's Twisted Grille 6:30 PM
The number one progressive radio personality in the nation is coming to St. Croix County on October 8. With over 2.5 million daily listeners, Ed Schultz has been called a “meat eating, gun toting, unabashed liberal.” Since only a handful of newspapers and radio stations in Wisconsin offer a progressive political viewpoint, members of the Democratic Party of St. Croix County are proud to bring “Big Ed” to his first ever Wisconsin speaking engagement. Schultz has agreed to speak at an event in Wisconsin and he is eager to come to a state represented by Senator Russ Feingold.

The LA Times recently wrote that he is “easy to laugh, he comes across at times as an educated good ol' boy, but a good ol' boy who's angry at what he believes to be the hijacking of our democracy by the rich and corporate. While fielding calls from listeners, he speaks up for unions, public schools, farmers, teachers, longshoremen, veterans, minorities and others who've never seen the inside of a stretch limousine.”

The Big Ed Progressive Fest will be held at the Coachman Supper Club in Baldwin, Wisconsin from 1-5 p.m. on Sunday October 8. The festival is a celebration of an emerging progressive movement and a move toward common sense politics. There will be a band, progressive businesses and organizations represented, and political speakers.

Cindy Jahnke, chair of the Visibility Committee of the Democratic Party of St. Croix County, encouraged people to come and listen to Ed. She said, “Six years ago I had a hard time finding a progressive talk show host on the radio. In fact, streaming on the Internet was the only way to hear another side of the story - that is until Air America Radio AM950 started broadcasting a whole slate of progressive hosts.” She added, “the St. Croix County Democratic Party recognizes that we often don’t see or read about Wisconsin politics since we’re so close to Minnesota. We want to change that. The Big Ed Progressive Fest is a huge step toward achieving that change.”

Big Ed can also be heard on Amery's WXCE 1260 AM from 6-8 PM Monday-Friday.

Tickets for the afternoon Big Ed Progressive Fest are $25 for adults and $10 for students. Also on the evening of October 8, there will be a private dinner with Schultz at the Twisted Grill in Hudson beginning at 6: 30 PM. Dinner tickets are $75. To purchase tickets or get more information, go to the Party web site at Western Wisconsin Democrats or call St. Croix County Democrats campaign office at 715-381-9600. Tickets are limited. Order today!

Listen to the Ed Schultz Show.

It's Election Season: Time For The NRA To Shoot It's Collective Mouth Off

I notice that Citizen Joe over at www.ontheborderline.net is doing his one-issue, puppet dance for the string pullers at the NRA. A couple weeks ago someone at a local bar was saying how the UN wants to take everybody's gun away. I said I hadn't ever heard this and I do quite a bid of reading. He said it was all over the Internet. Sure enough it is and the links lead to the NRA away. He also pointed out that those "liberals in Madison" where trying to take our hunting rights away.

So to get educated on these burning issues, I been talking to some of friends who live and breath to hunt and fish. I asked them if they were members of the NRA. Most say they were at once but he not renewed their memberships since that NRA started backing the legalisation of "cop-killer" bullets and became so focused on the conceal and carry issue. They also told amount the membership drives they are still subjected to from the NRA. Three different sources said they've basically been screamed by NRA fund raisers and membership drivers to give, re-join or lose your guns. Asking to have their names removed from the NRA lists still hasn't stopped the NRA harassing.

Citizen Joe provides us a list of 26 reasons to own guns. Those reasons include:
1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. Colt: The original point and click interface.
4. Gun control is not about guns; it’s about control.
5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?

Apparently the only issue Citizen Joe cares about is gun control, because that is all he posts. As a gun owner, I don't feel that my right to bare arms is being threatened. I'm opposed to conceal and carry, but I'm in favor of exposed and carry.

One of the commenters to Citizen Joe's post, Conn, has this to say:

" took my boy to the gun show in Baldwin...talk about a eye opener!I went to the NFA table and saw representative samples of various squirt guns (machine guns for the uninformed)a model 1921 THOMPSON, a 45 calibre machine gun made in 1921 for 10 bucks was listed for 18,000 dollars,because our Gov. does not believe we should have them.A sten gun that cost 3 bucks to make was listed at 17k!!!!!Various AK and AR15 variations in full auto were also way out there.As I have said before, we get what we deserve….have a nice day,conn."

Yo Conn, one reason a 1921 Thompson machine gun goes for $18,000 is that it is a collector's item. I've seen Martin guitars that cost $10 to make in the 1920s selling for over $50,000. I suppose our governor doesn't want us to play guitars.

Of course there are the fully automatic AK variations with big price tags. For friends I know that own these AK's, they are pretty much a big hard-on gun. They aren't good for anything but firing lots of bullets quickly into the side of a hill. Just think of what the neighborhood would look like if these one-issue gunslingers put all their energy into flower gardening.

Pizza For Che: Getting A Slice Of The Pie

Florida pizza delivery drivers win union recognition
By: John Peter Daly

Eleven pizza delivery drivers in Pensacola, Fla. took on a Domino’s franchise and won the first ever union for such workers. Domino’s is the second largest pizza company in the world.

Delivery driver Jim Pohl told PSLweb.org, “We formed the union on my birthday, March 7, and then voted for the right to collective bargaining on April 6.” Pole is the president of Local 1 of the American Union of Pizza Delivery Drivers.

Limited negotiations with management have recently begun. “We don’t really have anything to go on. There have never been contract negotiations between drivers and a pizza company before in the U.S. It’s going to be a process,” explained Pohl.

“My main goal is to organize his other six stores,” he added. Pohl said that the main bargaining issues involve delivery safety concerns and minimum wage pay. Over the last decade, delivery jobs have ranked as the fifth most dangerous job nationally.

Read more @ Party For Socialism and Liberation.